ABORIGINAL HEALTH Aboriginal Cultural Support TeamConnecting you with an Aboriginal Health Worker for the duration of your care, respecting the cultural needs of patients |
RESPIRATORY Acute Respiratory Infection ServiceSpecialised community care for patients with COVID-19, influenza, and other respiratory illnesses. Care includes in-home intravenous antibiotics, clinical review and remote monitoring |
AGED HEALTH After Hours RACF Triage LineAfter Hours nursing support for staff working in residential age care facilities (RACFs) in Sydney Local Health District, including advice, referral to RACF outreach services and Emergency Department transfer assistance |
MENTAL HEALTH Eating Disorders Connect (vE-Connect)A single point of contact for clinicians and providers for people with Eating Disorders |
EMERGENCY CARE ED to CommunitySupport for adult patients under the age of 70 who frequently attend the Emergency Department and have complex chronic health and social health needs |
WOUND CARE Health Maintenance Program: Lower Leg UlcerSupports people with healed leg ulcers to ensure that any wound deterioration is managed quickly |
COVID-19 Long COVID ProgramCare for patients with long COVID symptoms who may benefit from a virtual program of assessment, support and education |
ALLIED HEALTH Low Back Pain Care (Back@Home)Care for patients with acute non-serious low back pain |
MEDICATION MONITORING Medication Monitoring: SCIgSupport for patients who self-administer Subcutaneous Immunoglobulin (SCIg) at home through education and remote monitoring |
MEDICATION MONITORING Medication Monitoring: TuberculosisA virtual medication monitoring clinic that provides directly observed therapy via videoconference and is accessible 24 hours day, 7 days a week |
NURSING & MIDWIFERY Midwifery CareHolistic, personalised care, education and support for pregnant women with Hyperemesis Gravidarum, COVID-19 or who live in Far West Local Health District |
NURSING & MIDWIFERY Palliative CareIn home palliative care and support for Sydney District Nursing patients |
RESPIRATORY Respiratory Chronic Care NursingCommunity-based care and support to patients with chronic lung disease |
NURSING & MIDWIFERY Sydney District NursingHospital level care to patients in their homes or a community health clinic (located at Canterbury, Concord, Croydon, Marrickville, Redfern and RPA HealthOne Green Square), provided by community nurses who are experts in a range of services including wound care, intravenous and subcutaneous medication management, drain care, palliative care, catheter care and care of chronic medical conditions |
GASTROENTEROLOGY Virtual Care for Acute DiverticulitisAt home monitoring of people with confirmed uncomplicated diverticulitis |
NURSING & MIDWIFERY Virtual Drain ManagementSupports post operative patients to manage their surgical drain at home |
EMERGENCY CARE Virtual Urgent Care ServiceSpecialist emergency advice and care via video call to connect patients with the right follow-up care for their condition |
ALLIED HEALTH Virtual Fracture ClinicA physiotherapy-led service that provides follow-up care for patients with simple fractures |
NURSING & MIDWIFERY Virtual Nurse Assist and Midwifery CareSupports and assists frontline nurses and midwives and provides midwifery care to patients in Far West Local Health District |
REHABILITATION Virtual RehabilitationProvides home rehabilitation for a range of patients including post-joint replacement, neurological event and those requiring reconditioning after surgical or medical admission |
EMERGENCY CARE Virtual Trauma ClinicFollow-up care for patients with mild to moderate traumatic injuries |
WOUND CARE Wound Care Command CentreSpecialist nursing wound care and monitoring for patients with chronic and complex wounds |
ABORIGINAL HEALTH Yudi – 48 Hour Follow Up: Aboriginal Chronic Disease Care CoordinationA support service for Aboriginal people who have a chronic medical condition and have been discharged from hospital |