Donations & Support
There are many different ways you can help to make a difference in your Local Health District.
Our District receives generous donations each year and we partner with organisations to support our programs, we have dedicated Consumer Networks who ensure our patients are at the centre of everything we do and our Volunteer Network helps us each day in improving the experiences of our patients and visitors.
Fundraising and donations
Sydney Local Health District, through its hospitals and services, receives generous material donations and sponsorship from many valued members of the community.

We would like to thank you for making a difference.
Make a donation
You can also make a donation by contacting the General Manager of your local hospital or by writing to:
The Chief Executive
Sydney Local Health District
PO Box M30
Missenden Road
NSW 2050
Important information about donations
From time to time we receive information about fundraising activities claiming to be on behalf of one of our hospitals. Sydney Local Health District will never ask for money or donations via credit card over the phone.
Fundraising efforts claiming to be on behalf of our hospitals, including raffle tickets sold on the streets around hospitals, phone calls asking for credit card donations or emails requesting payment are not an official activity of our hospitals or Sydney Local Health District.