On On this pagePrevious stories 2024 news Read Sydney Local Health District news stories published in 2024. December virtualADULTS urgent care service launched east Pride of Concord winner named east The Volunteers Behind Concord Hospital's Markets east District recognises excellence in domestic and family violence responses east Celebrating 40 years of our Employee Assistance Program east Program to reduce patient stays in Emergency Department wins 31st Pitch east RPA Hospital launches private maternity wing east November RPA Haematology Nurse recognised for leadership east District celebrates World Radiography Day east BreastScreen Campsie campaign east Veteran joins Remembrance Day commemoration east Consistent care through Canterbury Hospital's Midwifery Group Practice east RPA Virtual Hospital Wound Care Command Centre wins a 2024 NSW Premier's Award east No water down the drain - Concord Hospital's CSSD upgrade east RPA's new temporary helipad ready for take off east From 80’s night slip-up to smooth recovery - Canterbury patient praises Virtual Fracture Clinic east Health and Education Secretaries visit LifeLab Sydney east Sami Azmol Scholarship 2024 winner announced east October In Memoriam - Dr Robert Loblay east Sixteen new artworks for Canterbury east 2024 Allied Health Research Conference east 2024 Excellence in Allied Health Award Winners east Recognising our District's carers east Two District teams win NSW Health Awards east A great night for Concord Haematology east 2024 Mental Health Service Awards east Unique services featured for Mental Health Month east Kindy Orientation Packs a success for the second year east September Colourful transformation for Canterbury Children’s Emergency Department east Aboriginal Elders share culture and language through stories east Sydney Education graduates celebrated east Cool running a win for Concord Hospital lab technician Mieke east 2024 RPA Research Foundation Medal winner east Five District finalists in the NSW Health Awards 2024 east NSW Premier’s Awards finalists 2024 east Medication Safety Week east Surgeon's invaluable opportunity east August Local clinics lead World Breastfeeding Week east Sydney Dental Hospital celebrates 120 years east Sydney Dental Hospital Long Service Awards east RPA celebrates 40 years since first cochlear implant east Concord’s ACE upgrade complete east Concord Parkinsingers powerful performance east July Youth health initiatives win Pitch funding at Sydney Innovation Week east Shining a light on disability east Robotic skin printing – innovation at Concord Burns Unit east Transplant innovation takes clinical trial award east R.E.S.E.T Debriefing Tool wins Big Idea east Hat-trick of wins on world stage for RPA Transplantation Unit east Kicking goals for youth wellbeing east How hope drives innovation east Free testing at Redfern Park for Hepatitis Awareness Week east June District commemorates National Sorry Day east How family shaped a focus on service east Nursing and Midwifery awards 2024 east Live surgery showcased at robotics summit east From March Arts to the National Gallery of Australia east May Continuity of Care at Concord's Midwifery Clinic east New CT scanner for Concord Hospital Emergency Department east New rehab spaces help patients avoid surgery east Concord surgeon awarded prized Harkness Fellowship east Support to quit smoking and vaping in a modern way east Consumers map out the year east New Hope for MND patients east April Celebrating 25 years of HIV and dementia care east New therapeutic space for young people east Volunteer couple love their work east Professor Pierre Chapuis honoured east Menu changes for Balmain east Concord Hospital Teleburns service keeps patients close to home east New state-wide sarcoma clinic opens east March Concord surgical fellow awarded prestigious Fulbright Future Scholarship east RPA Hospital wins diversity and inclusion award east Balmain takes to the roof for solar savings east Artist shares her extraordinary story to launch March Arts east District hospitals ranked best in Australia east Tissue Pathology and Diagnostic Oncology building officially open east RPA Nutrition and Dietetics leader wins NSW Health Excellence in Allied Health Award east Dementia is everyone’s business east Empowering new parents in their own language east February Exceptional emergency care at Balmain Hospital east District embarks on Cultural Immersion Cruise east Advanced techniques used to save patient's face east Looking towards the future of biomedical research and innovation east New nurses and midwives welcomed through GradStart east Burns surgeon Peter Haertsch honoured east January Oral health initiative awarded District funding east Partnership brings virtual support to Broken Hill east Nurses lead the way in pressure injury prevention east RPA Hospital Emergency Department staff welcomed in Broken Hill east Richard Scolyer and Georgina Long named Australian of the Year east 2023 Pride of Concord Medal winner named east Previous stories 2023 News 2022 News 2021 News 2024 news