A NSW Government website




Aboriginal Cancer Care Coordinators

Culturally safe care and support for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people with cancer right across the cancer journey. 

Allied Health 

Supportive care to optimise the physical, emotional and functional wellbeing of people with cancer and their families. 

Apheresis and Cell Therapies Unit

Specialised therapies including stem cell collection and transplant, apheresis procedures, bone marrow biopsy and venesection. 

Asbestos and Dust Diseases Research Institute

The Asbestos and Dust Diseases Research Institute (ADDRI) supports people with mesothelioma and silicosis by providing expert advice, emotional support, and information to help patients and their families through treatment. ADDRI also raises awareness about dust-related diseases, promotes occupational safety to prevent exposure. Working with healthcare professionals and scientists, ADDRI conducts research focused on improving outcomes and patient care for those affected by dust-related diseases. 

Breast Care Nurses

Support, information and education for people with breast cancer, their family and carers right across the cancer journey.

Cancer Council Liaison

Evidence based information and support services for people with cancer, their families and carers.

Cancer Genetics 

Assessment, testing and genetic counselling for people at higher risk of developing cancer. 

Cancer Surgery

Hospital departments providing cancer surgery to patients of Concord Cancer Centre. 

Concord Cancer Centre Pharmacy

Preparation of cancer medicines, medication advice and dispensing of medications to take home.

Concord Centre for Palliative Care

Holistic care for patients, families and carers with a life limiting illness delivered in patients home, hospital wards and our dedicated inpatient unit.


Day Therapy Centre

Outpatient treatments including chemotherapy, immunotherapy and supportive treatments including infusions and blood transfusion for patients managing a range of conditions. 

GP CanShare – CancerPlus

One on one education to support people following a cancer diagnosis to live well in the community provided by our GP CanShare team.

Haematology Department

Diagnosis and treatment of a broad range of malignant and non-malignant blood disorders including leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma, myeloproliferative neoplasms, haemophilia, thrombotic disorders and thalassaemia.

Inpatient Unit

In hospital treatment and care for patients in a supportive and compassionate environment.


Leukaemia Foundation

Information and support services for people with blood cancer including their direct family and caregivers. 


Radiation Oncology

Comprehensive radiation therapy treatment for all cancer types delivered onsite.

Sydney Cancer Survivorship Centre

Holistic team care, courses, and exercise to support the best health possible, following a cancer diagnosis. 

Sydney Health Care Interpreter Service 

Free, confidential and professional health care interpreters trained to translate medical terminology.