A-CAboriginal Cancer Care CoordinatorsCulturally safe care and support for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people with cancer right across the cancer journey. |
Allied HealthSupportive care to optimise the physical, emotional and functional wellbeing of people with cancer and their families. |
Apheresis and Cell Therapies UnitSpecialised therapies including stem cell collection and transplant, apheresis procedures, bone marrow biopsy and venesection. |
Breast Care NursesSupport, information and education for people with breast cancer, their family and carers right across the cancer journey. |
Cancer Council LiaisonEvidence based information and support services for people with cancer, their families and carers. |
Cancer GeneticsAssessment, testing and genetic counselling for people at higher risk of developing cancer. |
Cancer SurgeryHospital departments providing cancer surgery to patients of Concord Cancer Centre. |
Concord Cancer Centre PharmacyPreparation of cancer medicines, medication advice and dispensing of medications to take home. |
Concord Centre for Palliative CareHolistic care for patients, families and carers with a life limiting illness delivered in patients home, hospital wards and our dedicated inpatient unit. |
D-JDay Therapy CentreOutpatient treatments including chemotherapy, immunotherapy and supportive treatments including infusions and blood transfusion for patients managing a range of conditions. |
GP CanShare – CancerPlusOne on one education to support people following a cancer diagnosis to live well in the community provided by our GP CanShare team. |
Haematology DepartmentDiagnosis and treatment of a broad range of malignant and non-malignant blood disorders including leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma, myeloproliferative neoplasms, haemophilia, thrombotic disorders and thalassaemia. |
Inpatient UnitIn hospital treatment and care for patients in a supportive and compassionate environment. |
K-OLeukaemia FoundationInformation and support services for people with blood cancer including their direct family and caregivers. |
P-ZRadiation OncologyComprehensive radiation therapy treatment for all cancer types delivered onsite. |
Sydney Cancer Survivorship CentreHolistic team care, courses, and exercise to support the best health possible, following a cancer diagnosis. |
Sydney Health Care Interpreter ServiceFree, confidential and professional health care interpreters trained to translate medical terminology. |