Aboriginal Cancer Care Coordinators
If you or a family member identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, have a cancer diagnosis and receive care at Concord or RPA Hospital or Chris O’Brien Lifehouse, this service is here to support you.
We are also able to support clients with a cancer diagnosis who are receiving care at Balmain or Canterbury Hospitals.
This is a free service for eligible clients.
We understand that care coordination is vital to support Aboriginal patients during diagnosis, treatment planning and delivery of cancer care. Our coordinators are here to support you in getting better access to healthcare and improved health outcomes, and ensure you receive culturally safe cancer care from the right people, at the right time and in the right place for you.
Our coordinators can help patients:
- Talk to health professionals
- Attend appointments with patients
- Help patients understand medical language
- Ensure patients are better informed and prepared for cancer treatments
- Participate in decisions about your care
- Provide linkages to support services
- Assist with any barriers to patients accessing cancer services
- Connect you with local community services
Contact and referrals
Aboriginal Cancer Care Coordinator |
Kylie Smith A proud Ngemba woman born and bred on Gadigal land here in EORA Country, with tight connections to her home Country in Brewarrina. Kylie has a background in social work, including roles in youth and Aboriginal teaching, community health, customer relations and various case management positions. |
Concord and
Referrals are accepted from health professionals and services across Sydney Local Health District and Chris O'Brien Lifehouse, local community services/organisations, GPs and other Local Health Districts. Patients and family can also refer to this service. Phone: 0499 879 840 Email: SLHD-AboriginalCancerCareCoordinator@health.nsw.gov.au The referrer is to obtain the clients consent, or permission, before placing a referral to this service.
Please include the following information in your referral:
Cancer Information for Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander people
For more information, please see the resources below or visit our general cancer information page. We recommend you speak with your doctor or health professional about your specific situation.
Aboriginal cancer care coordinators video | Watch this video which explains how our Aboriginal Cancer Care Coordinators support local patients. |
Aboriginal cancer information | Cancer information and support tailored specifically for Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander people and communities. |
Cancer Institute New South Wales - Aboriginal people
Information and support for Aboriginal people and communities to help understand what happens if they have cancer. It is for anyone with cancer and the people supporting them. |
Cancer Council - all about cancer
Information, support and stories about what cancer is, the different types of cancer, your treatment options, and how your mob can support you. |
Leukaemia Foundation - information for First Nations Australians
Information booklets about blood cancer for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients and their families. |