Cancer Genetics
Our Cancer Genetics Department provides specialised services to individuals and families at high risk of hereditary cancer and tumours.

Genetic counselling
Genetic counselling involves assessing a person’s risk of developing cancer and whether genetic testing is appropriate for them. The process usually involves taking a detailed family history, gathering information about the types of cancer members of the family have had and assessing the person’s risk of carrying a gene fault using risk estimating models and protocols. Genetic testing may be appropriate where there is a strong family history of cancer, diagnosis with a cancer type suggestive of inherited caused or early onset cancer. The option of genetic testing (a blood test) can only be arranged after informed consent.
Our genetic counsellors help patients understand genetic testing and then adjust to their genetic diagnoses if testing has found a gene fault (pathogenic variant). They provide support to patients communicating with family members who may be at risk.
Specialist cancer genetics doctors
Our specialist doctors provide personalised cancer risk management strategies including surveillance plans (such as breast imaging with additional of MRI or frequency of colonoscopy), sometimes discussion of risk reducing surgery and lifestyle factors that may impact cancer risk.
High risk breast cancer clinic
We also run a clinic for women at high risk of developing breast cancer due to genetic risk factors, where close monitoring is provided by a specialist team.
If you have been advised you have a high genetic risk of breast cancer by a genetics service, your GP may refer you to our clinic.
Information for cancer genetics patients
EviQ Australia - Cancer Genetics | Risk management advice for doctors and patients. |
Centre for Genetics Education | Genetics resources including testing, conditions and contact details for genetic services across Australia. |
Cancer Council - Lifestyle factors impacting cancer risk | Information and resources to reduce your cancer risk by making healthy lifestyle choices. |
iPrevent Risk Model - Peter Mac | Tool for assessing risk of breast cancer based on family history – for people who have not had cancer. |
Pink Hope | Support group for people and families to understand and reduce risk of hereditary cancer. |