Clinical Skills: Mental Health
Study mode | Course details | Duration |
Face to face |
Clinical Utility of Outcome Measures in Mental Health Services — This course aims to provide clinicians with the skills and knowledge to complete standardised mental health documentation and outcome measures as required by NSW Health State and National documentation and collection standards. Learn more...
1 day |
Face to face |
Introduction to Management of Borderline Personality Disorder – Module 1 — In this course you will be introduced to current concepts and the classical foundations of the conceptual or diagnostic area known as Personality Disorders. Learn more...
1 day |
Face to face |
Introduction to Management of Borderline Personality Disorder – Module 2 — This one day program allows you opportunities to reflect upon theory from module 1. The program is centred around case study analysis, case formulation and considers the development of consistent management strategies in working with the Borderline Personality Disordered client. Learn more...
1 day |
Virtual tutorial |
Introduction to Suicide Awareness — This short tutorial supports participants to explore the language and terminology used to discuss suicide and suicidality. The tutorial also raises awareness of the NSW Health Suicide Care Pathway Model so that participants are aware of the six steps in this model. Learn more... |
1 hour |
Face to face |
— In this course you will gain knowledge of the clinical and interpersonal aspects and principles of undertaking a mental health assessment. Learn more...
2 days |
Face to face |
State Mental Health Triage Assessment Line Training — This two day course will introduce experienced mental health clinicians to the concept of telephone triage and will assist in the development of skills and confidence in collecting information, assessing risk, assessing needs and decision-making on care options. Learn more...
2 days |
Face to face |
State Mental Health Triage Assessment Line – Refresher Program — This program builds upon the State Mental Health Triage Assessment Line Training course and the clinicians clinical experience, with a focus on clinical decision-making and documentation. Learn more...
8 hours |
Face to face |
Responding to Suicide for Mental Health Staff — The workshop aims to provide you with opportunities to enhance and increase your awareness and skills in the detection, assessment and management of persons experiencing suicidality. Learn more...
2 days |
Face to face |
Responding to Suicide for Mental Health Staff – Bridging Course — The workshop aims to provide you with updated information and the opportunity to enhance your assessment and management skills in accordance with the NSW Health Policy Directive for Clinical care of people who may be suicidal (PD2022_043). Learn more...
8 hours |
Face to face |
Responding to Suicide for Non-Mental Health Staff — The workshop aims to provide you opportunities to increase your awareness and skills in the detection, assessment and management of people experiencing suicidality. Learn more...
8 hours |
*We're redeveloping slhd.health.nsw.gov.au/sydney-education – more features and courses will be added over time.