A NSW Government website


Clinical Skills: Speciality Courses

Study mode Course details Duration
Face to face

Introduction to Orthopaedics

This workshop has been designed to provide an opportunity for those of you involved in the care of the orthopaedic patients to enhance your knowledge and skills on prevention and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. Learn more...



8 hours
Face to face

Respiratory Nursing Course

This three-day program will provide you skills to look after respiratory patients with essential knowledge on current respiratory conditions and diseases. It will enhance your skills in assessment and management of respiratory conditions. Learn more...



3 days
Face to face

Vascular Nursing Module 1

This course provides you with an up-to-date introduction to vascular nursing, incorporating vascular disease processes, with a focus on anatomy and physiology, and a brief overview of relevant assessments, investigations, and procedures. Learn more...



8 hours
Face to face

Vascular Nursing Module 3

This course provides you an overview of evidenced based principles and practice in the areas of venous disease management focusing on venous thromboembolism prophylaxis, venous surgery, compression therapy, pain management and lower leg ulceration. Learn more...



8 hours

*We're redeveloping slhd.health.nsw.gov.au/sydney-education – more features and courses will be added over time.