Northcott Neuroscience Laboratory, ANZAC Research Institute
The Northcott Neuroscience Laboratory, ANZAC Research Institute, is led by Group Leader, Professor Marina Kennerson. The laboratory is internationally renowned in the field of human hereditary neuropathies and motor neuron disorders and made important contributions to the discovery of gene mutations causing neurodegeneration of peripheral nerve and motor neurons. The discovery of gene mutations in our families collected by Professor Nicholson over the last 40 years, have uncovered new mechanisms causing disease. As part of our gene discovery and translational genomics program, we are developing both in vitro and in vivo pre-clinical models to facilitate developing therapies for this group of intractable diseases. Our laboratory is truly translational and focuses on determining the underlying causes of neurodegenerative disease firstly to develop diagnostic tools and eventually to develop effective treatment therapies.
Gene Discovery
Our key focus for gene discovery has been studying Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease and related disorders. CMT is a degenerative disorder of the peripheral nerves affecting both sensory and motor nerves. Individuals who suffer from this disorder experience distal muscle weakness of legs and arms, foot deformities and sensory loss. Motor and sensory neurons are unique cells with long axons (up to 1 meter) that require continuous maintenance from the cell body to the nerve endings. The breakdown of this maintenance leads to the 'dying back' of the nerve ends (axonal degeneration). Our research aims to identify the biological pathways leading to axonal degeneration with the ultimate goal of developing treatments. To do this we identify the faulty gene in families with CMT disease.
Identifying genes for CMT disease entered an exciting era when next generation sequencing (NGS) expedited the gene discovery process. However, despite identifying over 120 genes causing CMT and related disorders, 30-40% of CMT patients remain genetically undiagnosed. Therefore, our quest continues to solve the genetic cause in these families.
The recent award of a MRFF Genomics Health Futures Mission Grant (2021-2025) which Professor Kennerson is co-leading with Professor Nigel Laing (University of WA) is centred around improving the diagnostic rate of adult neurodegenerative disease including CMT. This funding will be used to identify new genes and DNA re-arrangements causing CMT using whole genome sequencing.
In 2021 we have continued to focus on understanding how large DNA re-arrangements known as "structural variation" can cause the degeneration of motor and sensory neurons in patients. These DNA rearrangements can involve hundreds to millions of DNA bases. Our results have confirmed that copying and pasting large pieces of DNA where they are not supposed to be is affecting the expression of genes where the DNA has been inserted for two types of neuropathy, X-linked CMT type 3 (CMTX3) and distal hereditary motor neuropathy type 1 (DHMN1). The laboratory is now routinely growing these patient motor neurons to understand the effect of DNA re-arrangements on gene expression in the relevant tissue affected in patients.
Our work continues to study Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)/Motor Neuron Disease (MND) in Malaysia. With colleagues at the University of Malaya (Professor Nortina Shahrizaila and Associate Professor Azlina Ahmad-Annuar) the team has recruited and screened over 100 ALS patients for mutations in known genes that cause this disease. This research is providing a unique opportunity to generate new data on the role of genetic mutations in the pathogenesis of ALS in a multiethnic Southeast Asian region and will contribute towards new hypotheses of disease pathways, providing alternative avenues in the development of therapeutic treatments for this devastating disease.
Cell Biology Program
The cell biology program is led by Dr Gonzalo Perez-Siles for the study of mutations causing inherited peripheral neuropathies. Understanding the normal function and the consequences of the mutations in neuronal cell lines, will further our understanding of the mechanisms causing degenerative nerve disease. Dr Perez-Siles has successfully developed motor neuron models for our PDK3 and ATP7A gene discoveries which were published in 2020. Similarly, patient derived iPSC lines with the ATP7A mutation are proving to be valuable models to study copper transport in motor neurons.
Dr Anthony Cutrupi is establishing a cell biology program for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) with a focus on understanding the mechanisms of neurodegeneration in the context of aging which is a major risk factor for developing the disease. This program harnesses induced pluripotent stem cell technologies which he has been responsible for implementing at the ANZAC Research Institute.
Functional Genomics Program
As part of our genomics translational program for inherited neuropathies and motor neuron disorders we have been using Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) as a model organism. C. elegans are a small (about 1 mm in length), transparent nematode with a short life cycle and a well characterised nervous system - making them ideal for studying axonal degeneration caused by the gene mutations discovered by our laboratory (PDK3 and ATP7A). In 2021 we published characterisation of the first knock in and overexpression model of the PDK3 gene mutation causing CMTX6. This project is led by Dr Ramesh Narayanan. The pre-clinical model he has developed will be used for downstream functional studies and therapeutic drug screens.
Professor Marina Kennerson | Awarded a $3 million MRFF Genomics Health Futures Mission Grant (2021-2025) to increase the diagnostic rate of adult late onset inherited neuropathies as a co-leader of project. With clinical collaborator Professor Steve Vucic (Director, Brain and Nerve Research Centre) who is also a Chief Investigator on the MRFF, this is a trans-Australian project involving teams in Western Australia, Melbourne, Adelaide and Queensland. |
Professor Marina Kennerson | Appointed as Deputy Director (Research) for the Sydney Local Health District Institute of Precision Medicine and Bioinformatics. |
Professor Marina Kennerson | Joined the Scientific Research Committee of Motor Neuron Disease Australia. |
Dr Ramesh Narayanan | Published the first induced C. elegans (worm) model for an X-linked form of CMT (CMTX6). |
Professor Marina Kennerson | Collaboration with colleagues Professor Shahrizaila and Associate Professor Ahmad-Annuar at the University of Malaya published the first study of ALS genetics in Malaysia. |
Professor Marina Kennerson | Chair of the Scientific Programming Committee for the Inaugural 2021 Global CMT Research Convention (virtual). |
Dr Bianca Grosz | Presented a platform presentation at the Genetic Society of Australasia 2021 Meeting for her work X-linked CMT caused by non-coding GJB1 mutations. |
Professor Marina Kennerson | Continues to lead the Asian Oceanic Inherited Neuropathy Consortium (AOINC) as the consortia's Chairperson. This consortium brings together clinicians, researchers, allied health and patient advocacy groups in the region. There are 12 countries to date involved with the AOINC and a website has been commissioned by Professor Kennerson. |
Recipient | Award or medal |
Alexandra Boyling | 2021: Awarded the prestigious Jonathon Pembroke Award for best presentation from the Australasian region at the 2021 Peripheral Nerve Society Meeting |
Dr Anthony Cutrupi | 2021: Best platform talk for postdoctoral category at the Australasian Society for Stem Cell Research (ASSCR) New South Wales ECR Symposium "From discovery to translational science" |
Alexandra Boyling | 2021: Best short talk by PhD studentat the Australasian Society for Stem Cell Research (ASSCR) New South Wales ECR Symposium "From discovery to translational science" |
Our Research Team
Professor Marina Kennerson | Group Leader |
Dr Kishore Kumar | Clinical Collaborator |
Dr Gonzalo Perez-Siles | Postdoctoral Fellow |
Dr Ramesh Narayanan | Postdoctoral Fellow |
Dr Anthony Cutrupi | Postdoctoral Fellow |
Dr Bianca Grosz | Postdoctoral Fellow |
Melina Ellis | Research Assistant |
Madison Gonebale | PhD Candidate |
Dora Yasar | Masters Student |
Selected Grants
Amount awarded | Grant and project details |
$2,996,253 | MRFF Genomics Health Futures Mission Stream 1 and 2, 2021-2025 Closing the gap in diagnosis of neurological disorders including ataxias and neuropathies – a trans-Australian collaboration Investigators: Laing, Kennerson, Lamont, Vucic, Davis, Bryson-Richardson, Ravenscroft, Perez-Siles, Beecroft, Ghaoui |
$783,420 | National Health and Medical Research Council, 2020-2022 Looking Beyond the Exome: structural variation and gene dysregulation causing neurodegeneration. Investigators: Kennerson, Perez-Siles, Narayanan |
Our Publications
Narayanan, Ramesh & Panwar, Ajay & Butler, Tim & Cutrupi, Anthony & Kennerson, Marina & Vucic, Steve & Balasubramaniem, Ashok kumar & Mangelsdorf, Marie & Wallace, Robyn. (2023). Transgenic mice overexpressing mutant TDP-43 show aberrant splicing of neurological disorders-associated gene Zmynd11 prior to onset of motor symptoms. microPublication biology. 2023 10.17912. |
Chan Moi Fat S, McCann EP, Williams KL, Henden L, Twine NA, Bauer DC, Pamphlett R, Kiernan MC, Rowe DB, Nicholson GA, Fifita JA, Blair IP. Genetic analysis of GLT8D1 and ARPP21 in Australian familial and sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Neurobiol Aging. 2021;101:297 e299-297 e211 |
Edgar S, Ellis M, Abdul-Aziz NA, Goh K-J, Shahrizaila N, Kennerson ML* and Ahmad-Annuar A Mutation analysis of SOD1, C9orf72, TARDBP and FUS genes in ethnically-diverse Malaysian patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). Neurobiology of Aging 2021 108:200-206. *equal senior author |
Grosz B, Svaren J, Perez-Siles G, Nicholson GA and Kennerson ML Revisiting the pathogenic mechanism of the GJB1 5' UTR c.-103C>T mutation causing CMTX1. Neurogenetics 2021 22(3):149-160. |
Jia FF, Drew AP, Nicholson GA, Corbett A, Kumar KR. Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy type 2: an update on the clinical, genetic, and molecular findings. Neuromuscul Disord. 2021;31:1101-1112. |
Johnson JO, Chia R, Miller DE, Li R, Kumaran R, Abramzon Y, Alahmady N, Renton AE, Topp SD, Gibbs JR, Cookson MR, Sabir MS, Dalgard CL, Troakes C, Jones AR, Shatunov A, Iacoangeli A, Al Khleifat A, Ticozzi N, Silani V, Gellera C, Blair IP, Dobson-Stone C, Kwok JB, Bonkowski ES, Palvadeau R, Tienari PJ, Morrison KE, Shaw PJ, Al-Chalabi A, Brown RH, Jr., Calvo A, Mora G, Al-Saif H, Gotkine M, Leigh F, Chang IJ, Perlman SJ, Glass I, Scott AI, Shaw CE, Basak AN, Landers JE, Chio A, Crawford TO, Smith BN, Traynor BJ, Consortium FS, American Genome C, International ALSGC, Consortium I, Smith BN, Ticozzi N, Fallini C, Gkazi AS, Topp SD, Scotter EL, Kenna KP, Keagle P, Tiloca C, Vance C, Troakes C, Colombrita C, King A, Pensato V, Castellotti B, Baas F, Ten Asbroek A, McKenna-Yasek D, McLaughlin RL, Polak M, Asress S, Esteban-Perez J, Stevic Z, D'Alfonso S, Mazzini L, Comi GP, Del Bo R, Ceroni M, Gagliardi S, Querin G, Bertolin C, van Rheenen W, Rademakers R, van Blitterswijk M, Lauria G, Duga S, Corti S, Cereda C, Corrado L, Soraru G, Williams KL, Nicholson GA, Blair IP, Leblond-Manry C, Rouleau GA, Hardiman O, Morrison KE, Veldink JH, van den Berg LH, Al-Chalabi A, Pall H, Shaw PJ, Turner MR, Talbot K, Taroni F, Garcia-Redondo A, Wu Z, Glass JD, Gellera C, Ratti A, Brown RH, Jr., Silani V, Shaw CE, Landers JE, Dalgard CL, Adeleye A, Soltis AR, Alba C, Viollet C, Bacikova D, Hupalo DN, Sukumar G, Pollard HB, Wilkerson MD, Martinez EM, Abramzon Y, Ahmed S, Arepalli S, Baloh RH, Bowser R, Brady CB, Brice A, Broach J, Campbell RH, Camu W, Chia R, Cooper-Knock J, Ding J, Drepper C, Drory VE, Dunckley TL, Eicher JD, England BK, Faghri F, Feldman E, Floeter MK, Fratta P, Geiger JT, Gerhard G, Gibbs JR, Gibson SB, Glass JD, Hardy J, Harms MB, Heiman-Patterson TD, Hernandez DG, Jansson L, Kirby J, Kowall NW, Laaksovirta H, Landeck N, Landi F, Le Ber I, Lumbroso S, MacGowan DJL, Maragakis NJ, Mora G, Mouzat K, Murphy NA, Myllykangas L, Nalls MA, Orrell RW, Ostrow LW, Pamphlett R, Pickering-Brown S, Pioro EP, Pletnikova O, Pliner HA, Pulst SM, Ravits JM, Renton AE, Rivera A, Robberecht W, Rogaeva E, Rollinson S, Rothstein JD, Scholz SW, Sendtner M, Shaw PJ, Sidle KC, Simmons Z, Singleton AB, Smith N, Stone DJ, Tienari PJ, Troncoso JC, Valori M, Van Damme P, Van Deerlin VM, Van Den Bosch L, Zinman L, Landers JE, Chio A, Traynor BJ, Angelocola SM, Ausiello FP, Barberis M, Bartolomei I, Battistini S, Bersano E, Bisogni G, Borghero G, Brunetti M, Cabona C, Calvo A, Canale F, Canosa A, Cantisani TA, Capasso M, Caponnetto C, Cardinali P, Carrera P, Casale F, Chio A, Colletti T, Conforti FL, Conte A, Conti E, Corbo M, Cuccu S, Dalla Bella E, D'Errico E, DeMarco G, Dubbioso R, Ferrarese C, Ferraro PM, Filippi M, Fini N, Floris G, Fuda G, Gallone S, Gianferrari G, Giannini F, Grassano M, Greco L, Iazzolino B, Introna A, La Bella V, Lattante S, Lauria G, Liguori R, Logroscino G, Logullo FO, Lunetta C, Mandich P, Mandrioli J, Manera U, Manganelli F, Marangi G, Marinou K, Marrosu MG, Martinelli I, Messina S, Moglia C, Mora G, Mosca L, Murru MR, Origone P, Passaniti C, Petrelli C, Petrucci A, Pozzi S, Pugliatti M, Quattrini A, Ricci C, Riolo G, Riva N, Russo M, Sabatelli M, Salamone P, Salivetto M, Salvi F, Santarelli M, Sbaiz L, Sideri R, Simone I, Simonini C, Spataro R, Tanel R, Tedeschi G, Ticca A, Torriello A, Tranquilli S, Tremolizzo L, Trojsi F, Vasta R, Vacchiano V, Vita G, Volanti P, Zollino M, Zucchi E. Association of Variants in the SPTLC1 Gene With Juvenile Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. JAMA Neurol. 2021;78:1236-1248. |
Liao Y-C, Chang F-P, Huang H-W, Chen T-B, Chou Y-T, Hsu S-L, Hsiao C-T, Lin K-P Lin C-C, Matsumoto N, Kennerson ML and Lee Y-C GGC repeat expansion of NOTCH2NLC in Taiwanese patients with inherited neuropathies Neurology 2021 98(2):e199-e206. |
Narayanan R, Brewer MH, Perez-Siles G, Ellis M, Ly C, Burgess A, Neumann B, Nicholson GA, Vucic S and Kennerson ML Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease causing mutation (p.R158H) in pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 3 (PDK3) affects synaptic transmission, ATP production and causes neurodegeneration in a CMTX6 Caenorhabditis elegans model. Hum. Mol. Genet. 2021 31(1):133-145. |
Tavana N, Thilakavathy K, Kennerson ML, Ting TH. Genetic basis of hereditary hypophosphataemic rickets and phenotype presentation in children and adults. Endokrynol Pol. 2021;72(4):366-394. |
Watchon M, Luu L, Robinson KJ, Yuan KC, De Luca A, Suddull HJ, Tym MC, Guillemin GJ, Cole NJ, Nicholson GA, Chung RS, Lee A, Laird AS. Sodium valproate increases activity of the sirtuin pathway resulting in beneficial effects for spinocerebellar ataxia-3 in vivo. Mol Brain. 2021;14:128. |
Akcimen F, Martins S, Liao C, Bourassa CV, Catoire H, Nicholson GA, Riess O, Raposo M, Franca MC, Vasconcelos J, Lima M, Lopes-Cendes I, Saraiva-Pereira ML, Jardim LB, Sequeiros J, Dion PA, Rouleau GA. Genome-wide association study identifies genetic factors that modify age at onset in Machado-Joseph disease. Aging (Albany NY). 2020;12:4742-4756. |
Henden L, Twine NA, Szul P, McCann EP, Nicholson GA, Rowe DB, Kiernan MC, Bauer DC, Blair IP, Williams KL. Identity by descent analysis identifies founder events and links SOD1 familial and sporadic ALS cases. NPJ Genom Med. 2020;5:32. |
Iacoangeli A, Lin T, Al Khleifat A, Jones AR, Opie-Martin S, Coleman JRI, Shatunov A, Sproviero W, Williams KL, Garton F, Restuadi R, Henders AK, Mather KA, Needham M, Mathers S, Nicholson GA, Rowe DB, Henderson R, McCombe PA, Pamphlett R, Blair IP, Schultz D, Sachdev PS, Newhouse SJ, Proitsi P, Fogh I, Ngo ST, Dobson RJB, Wray NR, Steyn FJ, Al-Chalabi A. Genome-wide Meta-analysis Finds the ACSL5-ZDHHC6 Locus Is Associated with ALS and Links Weight Loss to the Disease Genetics. Cell Rep. 2020;33:108323. |
Johnson TG, Schelch K, Lai K, Marzec KA, Kennerson M, Grusch M, Reid G, Burgess A. YB-1 Knockdown Inhibits the Proliferation of Mesothelioma Cells through Multiple Mechanisms. Cancers (Basel). 2020;12. |
Konopka A, Whelan DR, Jamali MS, Perri E, Shahheydari H, Toth RP, Parakh S, Robinson T, Cheong A, Mehta P, Vidal M, Ragagnin AMG, Khizhnyak I, Jagaraj CJ, Galper J, Grima N, Deva A, Shadfar S, Nicholson GA, Yang S, Cutts SM, Horejsi Z, Bell TDM, Walker AK, Blair IP, Atkin JD. Impaired NHEJ repair in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is associated with TDP-43 mutations. Mol Neurodegener. 2020;15:51. |
Kumar KR, Cortese A, Tomlinson SE, Efthymiou S, Ellis M, Zhu D, Stoll M, Dominik N, Tisch S, Tchan M, Wu KHC, Devery S, Spring PJ, Hawke S, Cremer P, Ng K, Reilly MM, Nicholson GA, Houlden H, Kennerson M. RFC1 expansions can mimic hereditary sensory neuropathy with cough and Sjogren syndrome. Brain. 2020;143:e82. |
McCann EP, Fifita JA, Grima N, Galper J, Mehta P, Freckleton SE, Zhang KY, Henden L, Hogan AL, Chan Moi Fat S, Wu SS, Jagaraj CJ, Berning BA, Williams KL, Twine NA, Bauer D, Piguet O, Hodges J, Kwok JBJ, Halliday GM, Kiernan MC, Atkin J, Rowe DB, Nicholson GA, Walker AK, Blair IP, Yang S. Genetic and immunopathological analysis of CHCHD10 in Australian amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia and transgenic TDP-43 mice. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2020;91:162-171. |
Perez-Siles G, Cutrupi A, Ellis M, Kuriakose J, La Fontaine S, Mao D, Uesugi M, Takata RI, Speck-Martins CE, Nicholson G, Kennerson ML. Modelling the pathogenesis of X-linked distal hereditary motor neuropathy using patient-derived iPSCs. Dis Model Mech. 2020;13. |
Perez-Siles G, Cutrupi A, Ellis M, Screnci R, Mao D, Uesugi M, Yiu EM, Ryan MM, Choi BO, Nicholson G, Kennerson ML. Energy metabolism and mitochondrial defects in X-linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMTX6) iPSC-derived motor neurons with the p.R158H PDK3 mutation. Sci Rep. 2020;10:9262. |
Senderek J, Lassuthova P, Kabzinska D, Abreu L, Baets J, Beetz C, Braathen GJ, Brenner D, Dalton J, Dankwa L, Deconinck T, De Jonghe P, Drager B, Eggermann K, Ellis M, Fischer C, Stojkovic T, Herrmann DN, Horvath R, Hoyer H, Iglseder S, Kennerson M, Kinslechner K, Kohler JN, Kurth I, Laing NG, Lamont PJ, Wolfgang NL, Ludolph A, Marques W, Jr., Nicholson G, Ong R, Petri S, Ravenscroft G, Rebelo A, Ricci G, Rudnik-Schoneborn S, Schirmacher A, Schlotter-Weigel B, Schoels L, Schule R, Synofzik M, Francou B, Strom TM, Wagner J, Walk D, Wanschitz J, Weinmann D, Weishaupt J, Wiessner M, Windhager R, Young P, Zuchner S, Toegel S, Seeman P, Kochanski A, Auer-Grumbach M. The genetic landscape of axonal neuropathies in the middle-aged and elderly: Focus on MME. Neurology. 2020;95:e3163-e3179. |
Abadir E, Gasiorowski RE, Lai K, Kupresanin F, Romano A, Silveira PA, Lo T-H, Fromm PD, Kennerson ML, Iland HJ, Ho JP, MP, Bradstock K, Hart DNJ, Clark GJ CD300f epitopes are specific targets for acute myeloid leukemia with monocytic differentiation. Mol Oncol. 2019 13(10):2107-2120. |
Grosz BR, Golovchenko NB, Ellis M, Kumar K, Nicholson GA, Antonellis A, Kennerson ML. A de novo EGR2 variant, c.1232A>G p.Asp411Gly, causes severe early-onset Charcot-Marie-Tooth Neuropathy Type 3 (Dejerine-Sottas Neuropathy). Sci Rep. 2019 9(1):19336. |
Hogan AL, Don EK, Rayner SL, Lee A, Laird AS, Watchon M, Winnick C, Tarr IS, Morsch M, Fifita JA, Gwee SSL, Formella I, Hortle E, Yuan KC, Molloy MP, Williams KL, Nicholson GA, Chung RS, Blair IP, Cole NJ. Expression of ALS/FTD-linked mutant CCNF in zebrafish leads to increased cell death in the spinal cord and an aberrant motor phenotype. Hum Mol Genet. 2019;28:698. |
Razali1 NN, Ting TH, Ling KH, Kennerson ML and Thilakavathy K Predicting the Impact of PHEX, FGF23 and DMP1 Gene Variants Found in Malaysian Malay Patients with Hypophosphataemic Rickets Through In Silico Analysis of Protein Function and mRNA Secondary Structure. JOBIMB, 2019, Vol 7, No 2, 14-23. |
Robinson KJ, Yuan KC, Don EK, Hogan AL, Winnick CG, Tym MC, Lucas CW, Shahheydari H, Watchon M, Blair IP, Atkin JD, Nicholson GA, Cole NJ, Laird AS. Motor Neuron Abnormalities Correlate with Impaired Movement in Zebrafish that Express Mutant Superoxide Dismutase 1. Zebrafish. 2019;16:8-14. |
Sancho P, Bartesaghi L, Miossec O, Garcia-Garcia F, Ramirez-Jimenez L, Siddell A, Akesson E, Hedland E, Lassuthova P, Pascual-Pascual SI, Sevilla T, Kennerson M, Lupo V, Chrast R and Espinos C Characterization of the molecular mechanisms underlying the axonal Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy caused by MORC2 mutations. Hum. Mol. Genet. 28(10):1629-1644 |
Tarr IS, McCann EP, Benyamin B, Peters TJ, Twine NA, Zhang KY, Zhao Q, Zhang ZH, Rowe DB, Nicholson GA, Bauer D, Clark SJ, Blair IP, Williams KL. Monozygotic twins and triplets discordant for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis display differential methylation and gene expression. Sci Rep. 2019;9:8254. |
Tey S, Shahrizailla T, Drew AP, Samulong S, Goh K-J, Battaloglu E, Atkinson D, Parman Y, Jordanova A, Chung KW, Choi B-O, Li Y-C, Auer-Grumbach M, Nicholson GA, Kennerson ML* and Ahmad Annuar A Linkage analysis and whole exome sequencing reveals AHNAK2 as a novel genetic cause for autosomal recessive CMT in a Malaysian family. Neurogenetics 2019 20:117-127. *equal senior author |