Centre for STRONG Medicine at Balmain
Strength Training, Rehabilitation, and Outreach Needs in Geriatric Medicine
The Centre for STRONG Medicine at Balmain is an outpatient service to help older adults improve their health at all stages of their lives.
Established in 1999, the Centre integrates exercise and nutrition as therapeutic elements within the geriatric model of care. Exercise, when done in the correct dose, can produce beneficial effects similar to medication for the body. It can prevent, manage or treat numerous common diseases affecting older adults. Conditions associated with ageing such as muscle loss, weakness, balance issues and mobility challenges can also be safely improved through exercise.
The Centre for STRONG Medicine at Balmain is a medically screened and fully supervised program offering individualised, evidence-based, high-intensity exercise (weights, aerobic and balance) and nutritional interventions to help treat chronic disease and frailty in older adults.
Our clinical team includes geriatricians, exercise physiologists and a dietitian, with administrative support.
Eligibility – who is the service for?
You must meet the following eligibility criteria to qualify for our service:
- Older adult (aged 60+ years or 50+ years for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people)
- Present with one or more chronic diseases or conditions known to be responsive to exercise, such as:
- Arthritis and joint replacements
- Chronic lung disease
- Cognitive impairment
- Depression
- Diabetes
- Falls
- Frailty and muscle loss (sarcopenia)
- Heart disease
- Mobility, balance and functional impairments
- Osteoporosis and hip fracture
- Parkinson’s Disease (or other neurodegenerative disease)
- Peripheral vascular disease
- Stroke
- Other chronic conditions
- Reside outside of the Concord catchment area (for example Canada Bay, Burwood, Strathfield and the Canterbury sector of the Canterbury-Bankstown local government areas). The Centre for STRONG Medicine at Concord accepts referrals from the Concord catchment area
- Capable of attending the Centre for STRONG Medicine at Balmain for an initial assessment and ongoing supervised exercise sessions (at least twice a week). Individuals may be eligible for community-based transport services, talk to our team for more information
- Not be in receipt of exercise services provided by the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), work cover or other funded schemes
- Not be regularly participating in high-intensity (heavy) resistance/strength training more than once per week
- Bodyweight not exceeding the 200kg loading capacity of our equipment
- If applicable, not needing more than one person to safely assist with transfers from wheelchair to chair
The Centre for STRONG Medicine at Balmain requires a medical referral by a General Practitioner or specialist. The referral must be addressed to one of our Geriatricians and include reasons for referral, your medical history and any current medications.
Referrals can be emailed, faxed or mailed to us. Once received, your referral will be reviewed by one of our Geriatricians. If your referral is accepted, you will be placed on our waitlist until an appointment becomes available. If your doctor feels you require prioritisation due to medical urgency, they will need to contact one of our Geriatricians directly to discuss your situation.
For more information, please contact our team.
Phone: 02 9395 2097
Fax: 02 9395 2366
Email: SLHD-STRONG@health.nsw.gov.au
The assessment process
Medical assessment
Your first appointment will involve an eligibility assessment with one of our Geriatricians to determine how we can assist you. They will conduct a comprehensive assessment including a review of your medical history, medications, physical examination and resting electrocardiogram (assessing the rate and rhythm of your heart).
Family and/or carers may attend this appointment with you. Interpreter Services are also available if required.
Admission to the service is determined by the evaluating Geriatrician. While there are few medical contraindications to exercise, the Geriatrician may require additional clearance from a specialist before starting or may decide that the program is unsuitable or unsafe for you. In such cases, we will endeavour to suggest or refer you to an alternative service.
What to bring to your initial medical assessment?
Please allow one hour and 30 minutes for your initial medical assessment. You will need to bring:
- Your Medicare or Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) card
- List of current medications (with dosages and frequencies)
- Any relevant specialist reports or test results (for example blood tests or scans)
- Reading glasses/hearing aids if needed.
Exercise Physiologist and Dietitian Assessment
Once you have been accepted into our program, we will make an appointment with you to attend an assessment with one of our Exercise Physiologists. They will discuss your goals for attending the program, may administer some health-related questionnaires, measure your current physical function and muscle strength, and prescribe an individualised exercise program.
You may also have an assessment with our Dietitian to review your goals and nutritional needs for managing your chronic disease and optimising your results from the exercise.
Every three months (or as required), we conduct reassessments of your physical function and muscle strength, together with the Geriatrician and Dietitian reviews.
What to bring to your exercise assessment?
Please allow at least two hours for this appointment.
Please wear loose, comfortable clothing with closed-in shoes and bring your reading glasses/hearing aids if needed.
We have a water cooler; however, you may bring in a water bottle if desired. Lockers are provided to store your belongings during your exercise sessions and appointments.
Getting here
The Centre for STRONG Medicine at Balmain is located on Level 2, Balmain Hospital (29 Booth Street, Balmain).
Our services operate between 8am-4.30pm, Monday to Friday.
There are several transport options to get to Balmain Hospital including car, public transport, local bus shuttle services or community transport services. Visit the Balmain Hospital Map, Transport & Parking page for details.
Frequently asked questions
Generally, you will be attending regular, scheduled, supervised exercise within our facility twice a week for an hour per session.
Exercise is individualised, conducted in groups and includes high-intensity progressive resistance (weight) training on specialised machines. Your program may also include some aerobic and balance training. We also offer home or community gym-based programs where we assist you to maintain your program long-term.
Our aim is to foster life-long independent exercise habits for the long-term management of your conditions. The time you are with us depends on a variety of factors and is reassessed every three months.
Following a period of supervised training and education at our Centre, you may be ready to transition to more independent exercise. We offer support for you to exercise at home or a local gym/facility. We can support you through our home-based training program or assist with single set up visit at an external gym or in your own home with a program for you to continue independently.
Medical appointments with our Geriatricians are covered by Medicare.
Our in-centre program at Balmain is $55 per three months (less than $5 per week), from the time of commencement. You will receive an invoice from our Sydney Local Health District Finance Department. If you have concerns regarding the cost, we can discuss this with you during your first appointment.