Selected Grants
Amount awarded | Grant and project details |
$3600 | SLHD Allied Health Seeding Grant, 2019-2022 Validation of incidence and predictive factors for dysphagia in older persons following severe burn injury Investigator: Clayton NA |
A NSW Government website
Speech Pathology research is largely clinically based and aimed at improving the outcomes of patients and contributing to the evidence-base of Speech Pathology. Previous and current research encompass the clinical areas of severe burn injury, tracheostomy, critical care, head and neck cancer, clinical education, aged care, palliative care and aphasia post stroke.
Amount awarded | Grant and project details |
$3600 | SLHD Allied Health Seeding Grant, 2019-2022 Validation of incidence and predictive factors for dysphagia in older persons following severe burn injury Investigator: Clayton NA |
Amount awarded | Grant and project details |
$50,000 | Sydney Local Health District The Pitch, 2018-2020 iTalk Investigators: Lewis K, Skylas K, Clayton NA. |
$30,000 | UTS Faculty of Health External Engagement Grant , 2021 Investigator: Freeman-Sanderson A |
$15,000 | UTS Equity and Diversity Grant, 2020 Investigator: Freeman-Sanderson A |
$14,990 | UTS 2021 Early Career Research Capability Development Grant , 2021 Investigator: Freeman-Sanderson A |
$10,000 | Graduate School of Health Seed Grant , 2021 Investigator: Freeman-Sanderson A |
$3000 | Concord Hospital Research Travel Grant, 2020 Travel Grant for International Aphasia and Research Conference Investigator: Larkman C |
Brodsky, M. B., A. Freeman-Sanderson and M. J. Brenner (2021). "Voice, Swallow, and Airway Impairment After Late Tracheostomy: Defining Features of COVID-19 Survivorship." Laryngoscope 131(7): E2311. |
Charters E, Bogaardt H, Clark J, Milross C, Freeman-Sanderson A, Ballard K, Britton R, McCabe N, Davis H, Sullivan T, Wu R. Functional swallowing outcomes related to radiation exposure to dysphagia and aspiration-related structures in patients with head and neck cancer undergoing definitive and postoperative intensity-modulated radiotherapy. Head Neck. 2022 Feb;44(2):399-411. doi: 10.1002/hed.26936. Epub 2021 Nov 22. PMID: 34808023. |
Charters, E., R. Wu, C. Milross, H. Bogaardt, A. Freeman-Sanderson, K. Ballard, S. Davies, J. Oates and J. Clark (2021). "Swallowing and communication outcomes following primary transoral robotic surgery." Head and Neck 43(7): 2013-2023. |
Clayton NA, Ward EC, Nicholls C, Giannone R, Skylas K, Maitz PK. The addition of respiratory muscle strength training (RMST) to facilitate swallow and pulmonary rehabilitation following massive tissue loss and severe deconditioning: A case series. Australian Critical Care 2021, Apr 23;S1036-7314(21)00041-2. |
Clayton. N.A., Walker. E., Freeman-Sanderson, A. Clinical profile and recovery pattern of dysphagia in the COVID-19 patient: a prospective observational cohort within NSW. Australian Critical Care (in press) |
El-Wahsh, S., C. Layfield, H. Bogaardt, F. Kumfor and K. J. Ballard (2021). "Perspectives from the patient: A content analysis of communication changes, impact, and strategies to facilitate communication in multiple sclerosis." International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. |
El-Wahsh, S., R. Heard, H. Bogaardt, F. Kumfor and K. J. Ballard (2021). "Variables Associated with Self-reported Language Impairment in Multiple Sclerosis." International Journal of MS Care 23(2): 85-92. |
Freeman-Sanderson, A., E. C. Ward, A. Miles, I. de Pedro Netto, S. Duncan, Y. Inamoto, J. McRae, N. Pillay, S. A. Skoretz, M. Walshe, M. B. Brodsky, S. K. Archer, S. Baker, L. Bergström, C. L. Burns, T. Cameron, M. Cimoli, N. A. Clayton, G. Clunie, T. Cole, C. Dawson, K. Dikeman, B. Duggan, L. Engelbrecht, N. Langton-Frost, B. Hemsley, H. Kalf, M. Kazandjian, S. Lakha, S. Marvin, M. McIntyre, J. Puntil-Sheltman, J. R. do Nascimento Junior, D. M. Suiter, A. L. Sutt, S. Wallace, C. J. Zaga and C.-S. G. Group (2021). "A Consensus Statement for the Management and Rehabilitation of Communication and Swallowing Function in the ICU: A Global Response to COVID-19." Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 102(5): 835-842. |
Larkman, C.S., Mellahn, K., Han, W., & Rose, M.L. (In press). Aphasia rehabilitation when speech pathologists and clients do not share the same language: a scoping review. Aphasiology. DOI: 10.1080/02687038.2022.2035672 |
Marshall, A. P., D. E. Austin, D. Chamberlain, L. A. S. Chapple, M. Cree, K. Fetterplace, M. Foster, A. Freeman-Sanderson, R. Fyfe, B. A. Grealy, A. Hodak, A. Holley, P. Kruger, G. Kucharski, W. Pollock, E. Ridley, P. Stewart, P. Thomas, K. Torresi and L. Williams (2021). "A critical care pandemic staffing framework in Australia." Australian Critical Care 34(2): 123-131. |
Mellahn, K., Larkman, C., Lakhani, A., Siyambalapitiya, S., & Rose, M. L. (2021). The nature of inpatient rehabilitation for people with aphasia from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds: a scoping review. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 1-11. |
N. M. Hardingham, E. C. Ward, N. A. Clayton & R. A. Gallagher (In Press) Does the mandibular lingual release approach impact post-operative swallowing in patients with oral cavity and/or oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomas: a scoping review, Speech, Language and Hearing, DOI: 10.1080/2050571X.2022.2064114 |
Pollens, R., L. Chahda, A. Freeman-Sanderson, E. Lalonde Myers and B. Mathison (2021). "Supporting Crucial Conversations: Speech-Language Pathology Intervention in Palliative End-of-Life Care." Journal of Palliative Medicine 24(7): 969-970. |
Ridley, E. J., A. Freeman-Sanderson and K. J. Haines (2021). "Surge capacity for critical care specialised allied health professionals in Australia during COVID-19." Australian Critical Care 34(2): 191-193. |
Clayton NA, Ward EC, Rumbach AF, Cross RR, Kol MR, Maitz PK. Influence of inhalation injury on incidence, clinical profile and recovery pattern of dysphagia following burn injury. Dysphagia 2020: 35,(6), 968-977. |
Clayton NA, Ward EC, Nicholls C, Giannone R, Skylas K, Maitz PK. The addition of respiratory muscle strength training (RMST) to facilitate swallow and pulmonary rehabilitation following massive tissue loss and severe deconditioning: A case series. Australian Critical Care (under review). |
Charters, E., Wu, R., Milross, C., Bogaardt, H., Freeman-Sanderson, A., Ballard, K., . . . Clark, J. (2021). Swallowing and communication outcomes following primary transoral robotic surgery. Head & Neck. doi:10.1002/hed.26675 |
Freeman-Sanderson, A., Ridley, E., Booth, S., Haines, K. (2020). Rehabilitation of the Critically Ill: The Role of Allied Health Professionals. ICU Management & Practice, 20(4). |
Freeman-Sanderson, A., Ward, E. C., Miles, A., de Pedro Netto, I., Duncan, S., Inamoto, Y., . . . Zaga, C. J. A consensus statement for the management and rehabilitation of communication and swallowing function in the ICU: A global response to COVID-19. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. doi:10.1016/j.apmr.2020.10.113 |
Freeman-Sanderson, A., Rose, L., Brodsky, M.B. (2020). COVID-19 cuts ties with patients' outside world. Australian Critical Care. |
Ridley, E., Freeman-Sanderson, A., Haines, K. (2020). Surge capacity for critical care specialised allied health professionals in Australia during COVID-19. Australian Critical Care. |
Andrea P Marshall, A., Austin, D.E., Chamberlain, D., Chapple., L.S., Cree, M.,Fetterplace, K., Foster, M., Freeman-Sanderson, A., Fyfe, R., Grealy, B.A., Hodak, A., Kruger, P., Kucharskis, G., Pollock., W., Ridley, E., Stewart, P., Thomas, P., Torresi, K., Williams, L. (2020). A critical care pandemic staffing framework in Australia: Nursing and Allied Health. Aust Crit Care. |
Charters, E., Bogaardt H, Freeman-Sanderson, A., Ballard K., Davies, S., Oates, J., & Clark, J.(2020). Early Fibreoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallow in transoral robotic surgery (TORS): A description of swallow function and recovery in the acute post-operative period for oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma. Head and Neck. |
Lucas, C., Power, T., Kennedy, D. S., Forrest, G., Hemsley, B., Freeman-Sanderson, A., . . . Hayes, C. (2020). Conceptualisation and development of the RIPE-N model (reflective interprofessional education-network model) to enhance interprofessional collaboration across multiple health professions. Reflective Practice, 1-19. doi:10.1080/14623943.2020.1784866 |
Stannus J, Cheung W, Kol M, Cross R, Shah A, Wagh A, Clayton N, Wong H. Direct laryngoscopy to predict extubation success following a failed cuff leak test in intensive care patients. Trends in Anaesthesia and Critical Care 2019, 29, 18-20. |
Clayton NA, Ward EC, Rumbach AF, Cross RR, Kol MR, Maitz PK. Influence of inhalation injury on incidence, clinical profile and recovery pattern of dysphagia following burn injury. Dysphagia (under review). |
Issler-Fisher AC, Fisher OM, Clayton NA, Aggarwala S, Haertsch PA, Li Z, Maitz PK: Ablative fractional resurfacing for burn scar management affects the number and type of elective surgical reconstructive procedures, hospital admission patterns as well as length of stay. Burns 2019 (In press). |
Freeman-Sanderson, A., Morris, K. and Elkins, M. (2019). Characteristics of patient communication and prevalence of communication difficulty in the Intensive Care Unit: an observation study. Australian Critical Care, 32(5), pp.373-377. |
Charters, E., Bogaardt H, Freeman-Sanderson, A. & Ballard K. (2019). Systematic Review and Meta analysis of the Impact of Dosimetry to Dysphagia and Aspiration Related Structures. Head and Neck, 41(6) pp. 1984-1998. |
Clayton, N.A., Ward, E.C., Nicholls, C., Giannone, R., Skylas, K., & Maitz, P.K. (2020). Respiratory muscle strength training (RMST) to facilitate swallow and pulmonary rehabilitation in critical care patients with severe deconditioning: A case series, Dysphagia Research Society, March, 2020, San Juan, Puerto Rico. (International virtual presentation) |
Clayton, N.A. Dysphagia in Critical Illness and Respiratory Disease. NSW Dysphagia Interest Group, April 2020 (National virtual presentation). |
Freeman-Sanderson, A., Thompson, K., Rogers., K., Elkins, M., Elliott, D., Brodsky, M. & Hammond, N. A profile of patients with communication and swallowing disorders following sepsis: new prevalence data.Paper presented at Winter ANZICS CTG Conference, N.Z. (Online), 2020. |
Freeman-Sanderson, A., Thompson, K., Rogers., K., Elkins, M., Elliott, D., Brodsky, M. & Hammond, N. A profile of patients with dysphagia following sepsis: new prevalence data.Paper presented at Dypshagia Research Society Conference, U.S. (Online), 2020. |
Cherie Lucas, Carolyn Hayes, Tamara Power, Caleb Ferguson, David Kennedy, Gail Forrest, Bronwyn Hemsley, Amy Freeman-Sanderson, Michelle Courtney-Harris. From RIPE to RIPE-N: Developing and implementing models to enhance interprofessional collaboration. Presented at The UTS Learning and Teaching Forum, 2020. |
Freeman-Sanderson, A., Ryan, H., Clayton, N., O'Carrigan,L., Hemsley., B. Integrating learning, teaching and research on the front line: Translation of education pedagogy into speech pathology practice in a hospital setting. Presented at The UTS Learning and Teaching Forum, 2020. |
Wardrop, B, Wark, K., McGloin, E., Leong, T., Freeman-Sanderson, A. Oral Pressure Injuries: A Retrospective Review of Mechanically Ventilated Patients. SEERS UTS conference, 2020. |
Freeman-Sanderson, A., Ward, E. C., Miles, A., de Pedro Netto, I., Duncan, S., Inamoto, Y., . . . Zaga, C. J. A consensus statement for the management and rehabilitation of communication and swallowing function in the ICU: A global response to COVID-19. SEERS UTS conference, 2020. |
Judson, A., Clayton, N.A. Dysphagia rehabilitation in the COVID-19 patient: a case study. CRGH Grand Rounds August 2020 (virtual). |
Clayton NA, Ward EC, Rumbach AF, Cross RR, Kol MR, Maitz PKM. Clinical profile and recovery pattern of dysphagia following inhalation burn injury. Poster presentation at Dysphagia Research Society, San Diego USA, March 2019. |
Clayton NA, Ward EC, Skylas K, Place C, Giannone R, Li F, Nicholls C, Brownlow C, Cross RR, O'Hara J, Issler-Fisher AC, Kol MR, Maitz PK. Respiratory muscle strength training (RMST) to facilitate swallow and pulmonary rehabilitation in critical care patients with severe deconditioning: A case series. Australian & New Zealand Burns Association Annual Scientific Meeting, Hobart Australia October 2019 |
Larkman C, McKenzie R, Ryan H, Taylor P, Dent A, Brassel S, Lamond J. Putting the evidence into action: Speech Pathologists' journey with aphasia best practice in the Sydney Local Health District. Stroke Conference, Hunter Valley, August 2019. |
Cardinal, L., Freeman-Sanderson, A., Togher, L. (2019). Speech Pathology in ICU - a varied national workforce. Paper presented at World Congress of Intensive Care, Melbourne, Oct 2019. |
Freeman-Sanderson, A., Morris, K. and Elkins, M. (2019). Characteristics of patient communication and prevalence of communication difficulty in the Intensive Care Unit: an observation study. Paper presented at Australian and New Zealand Speech Pathology Conference, Brisbane, May. |
Cardinal, L., Freeman-Sanderson, A., Togher, L. (2019). Speech Pathology workforce in intensive care units - results from a national survey. Paper presented at Australian and New Zealand Speech Pathology Conference, Brisbane, May 2019. |
Goers, K., Karanges, A., Freeman-Sanderson, A. (2019). High flow oxygen therapy via nasal prongs (HF02NP) and swallowing: An evidence review and a snapshot of clinical practice data of Australian Speech Pathologists. Poster presented at Dysphagia Research Society, San Diego, 2019. |
Goers, K., Karanges, A., Freeman-Sanderson, A. (2019). High flow oxygen therapy via nasal prongs (HF02NP) and swallowing: An evidence review and a snapshot of clinical practice data of Australian Speech Pathologists. Poster presented at Australian and New Zealand Speech Pathology Conference, Brisbane, May 2019. |
Clayton, N.A, Ward, E.C, Rumbach, A.F., Cross, R.R, Kol, M.R., Maitz, P.K.M. Clinical profile and recovery pattern of dysphagia following inhalation burn injury. SLHD Allied Health Research Forum, Sydney Australia, August 2019. |
Clayton NA, Ward EC, Skylas K, Place C, Giannone R, Li F, Nicholls C, Brownlow C, Cross RR, O'Hara J, Issler-Fisher AC, Kol MR, Maitz PK. Respiratory muscle strength training (RMST) to facilitate swallow and pulmonary rehabilitation in critical care patients with severe deconditioning: A case series. Poster presented at SLHD Allied Health Research Forum, Sydney Australia, August 2019 |
Taylor P, Larkman C, Dent A, Ryan H, Rajakone R, McKenzie R, Wark K, Pettigrove K, Brassel S, Coventry S. Developing a research database to translate aphasia best practice into action: speech pathologists' experience with REDCap in the SLHD. Poster presented at SLHD Allied Health Research Forum, Sydney Australia, August 2019 |
Lucas C, Power T, Ferguson C, Kennedy D, Courtney-Harris M, Hemsley B, Freeman-Sanderson A, Forrest G, Hayes C. Development of a Multidisciplinary Mode of Learning: RIPE-N (Reflective Interprofessional Education Network) to Enhance Interprofessional Collaboration. UTS Teaching and Learning Forum 12th Nov 2019. |