Vaccination team farewells Sydney Airport
Team delivers more than 70,000 COVID vaccines.
Hari Thanaseelan had his COVID-booster shot at the Sydney Airport Vaccination Centre.
"I live about five minutes' drive away. So this place has been very convenient for me. This is my booster shot so I am glad that I got a spot here on this last day," he said.
He was among the final members of the community to be vaccinated at the Centre at Mascot which has now closed its doors.
More than 70,000 COVID-19 vaccines have been delivered at the Centre, which was set up by Sydney Local Health District in March 2021. During the past 11 months, more than 500 staff have been re-deployed to work at the Centre.
Initially, the team at the Centre vaccinated frontline workers including Australian Border Force, NSW Police, Australian Federal Police, airline staff, cleaners, engineers, baggage handlers, biosecurity experts and others across the airport.
The team later provided COVID vaccinations to the community and delivered 618 vaccinations on its busiest day on 27 August 2021.
The District's Chief Executive Dr Teresa Anderson, the General Manager of the District's COVID-19 Vaccination and Screening Program Sven Nilsson and the District's Director of Pharmacy Rosemary Burke joined the team's farewell.
Each member of the team received a special NSW Health COVID-19 Airport team pin in recognition of their service.
"A big thank you to each and every one of you. Everyone has done a magnificent job and I couldn't be more proud. You've all contributed to the District's COVID-19 response," Dr Anderson said.
The Centre's first Nurse Unit Managers (NUMs), Kris Louis and Jane Raftesath, current NUM Jill Wild, nurses, doctors, pharmacists, the administration team and cleaners were among those who were onsite on the Centre's final day of operations.
"One of the best things about working here is having the opportunity to work very closely with people from all different professions – people from dentistry, doctors… [and] nurses with all different specialties," Ms Wild said.
"We've all come together to make this work in a very changeable environment and I'm really proud of everything we've achieved and I'm proud of the teamwork," she said.
Members of the team will return to the RPA COVID-19 Vaccination Centre or to their regular jobs across the District.
The District will continue to provide COVID-19 vaccinations at the NSW Health Vaccination Centre – Sydney Olympic Park, RPA and Canterbury hospitals, at the Koori Vaccination Centre at Redfern and various children's vaccination centres.
Check appointment times and book at: https://vaccination.slhd.nsw.gov.au/