RPA farewells Associate Professor Adrian Gillin
Leading renal physician retires after almost four decades of service.
RPA has farewelled one of its leading renal physicians from clinical practice, with Associate Professor Adrian Gillin's retirement marking an end to close to four decades of caring for patients and their families.
"I've been at RPA almost continually since becoming a registrar nearly 40 years ago. Throughout the years, I've had many incredible opportunities and my roles changed notably.
"I look back on the great time that I've had at RPA and the great friendships that I've formed over the decades," Associate Professor Gillin said.
His expertise will be missed by his colleagues in Renal Medicine and also in other departments across the District.
"Associate Professor Gillin is a respected leader in his field, an internationally recognised researcher, a generous mentor to generations of trainees and a loyal friend and colleague to many of us in Renal Medicine," Professor Steve Chadban, RPA's Director of Renal Medicine said.
"He had strong links with many in Maternal Medicine and across the entire Division of Medicine, where he held the prestigious role of Chair for his past five years at RPA," Professor Chadban said.
Throughout his career, Associate Professor Gillin held key roles including as chair of Medical Grand Rounds – regular multi-disciplinary education sessions for clinicians.
"He is a wonderful leader whose mark on RPA will be indelible," another of his colleagues, Associate Professor Roger Garsia, a Senior Staff Specialist in Immunology at RPA, said.
"He practised what he preached. Associate Professor Gillin showed the following generation of doctors and students a style of practice that is genuinely caring, compassionate and excellent."
Associate Professor Gillin was also focussed on ensuring homeless people had access to healthcare. On one occasion, he participated in the Newtopian Sleepout, and raised $23,000 for frontline homelessness services in the inner-west.
"He was able to bring people together to start a conversation to make sure the most vulnerable in our community have access to the very best healthcare," Lisa Parcsi, the District's Director of Integration and Partnerships, said.
Associate Professor Gillin will continue to support vulnerable communities in his retirement working pro bono work for the Exodus Foundation. He is also looking forward to spending more time with his wife and grandson.