Hip hip hooray for Concord Hospital
Hospital named in Australia's top 10 for hip fracture care.

Concord Hospital has been recognised for its excellence in caring for patients with hip fractures, with its multidisciplinary orthogeriatric service named as one of the top 10 performers in Australia.
The Australian and New Zealand Hip Fracture Registry presented The Golden Hip Award this year for the first time.
Sydney Local Health District's Clinical Director for Aged Health, Associate Professor John Cullen said being a finalist was well-deserved acknowledgement of Concord's team.
"The team, led by orthopaedic surgeon Dr Paul DellaTorre, geriatrician Dr Nargis Shaheen and Clinical Nurse Consultant Wai Ki Tsui, has improved patient outcomes despite disruptions to clinical pathways which have resulted from the current pandemic.
"This is justified recognition of the dedication and hard work of all team members," Associate Professor Cullen said.
Concord was one of three hospitals in NSW publically named in the top 10. The inaugural winner was the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Queensland.
In a pre-recorded message, The Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt told all the finalists they provided vital patient care.
"I want to acknowledge all our amazing clinicians, and the hospitals and the staff… This work is incredibly important. I know the patients and I know the impact on the health system, and that quality care makes a massive difference," Mr Hunt said.
Although there has been a steady decline in hip fractures due to bone density medications, the Registry estimates there are about 22,000 new hip fractures every year in Australia.
Dr Shaheen said one of the team's main goals is to improve patients' quality of life.
"We do everything we can to assist and improve a patient's quality of life and minimise pain pre- and post-surgery.
"Our team helps patients regain their independence through mobilisation post-surgery, improving their nutrition, inpatient rehabilitation, inpatient osteoporosis management and discharge planning.
"It takes work from a whole team, including Allied Health, to collaborate to improve every patient's quality of life," she said.
The Registry judged each hospitals' performance against the Hip Fracture Care Clinical Care Standard which covers emergency department care, timely access to theatres, shared care between geriatrics and orthopaedics, early mobilisation and secondary fracture prevention.
The Registry collects data about the care of older people admitted to hospital with hip fractures and aims to improve their health care outcomes.