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Design released for RPA HealthOne Green Square

RPA HealthOne to provide comprehensive health care services.

Green square landscape
SydneyConnect Image: RPA HealthOne concept design

The concept designs for the new RPA HealthOne, have been publically released, as a project to improve access to services in one of Sydney’s fastest growing areas progresses.

RPA HealthOne will provide comprehensive health care services to support the health and wellbeing of the community around Green Square. It’s part of a $100 million NSW Government investment in out-of-hospital care.

The Chief Executive of Sydney Local Health District, Dr Teresa Anderson, said the concept designs were a significant step towards boosting health care for the rapidly growing local population.

“Sydney Local Health District has been working with the community on the plans for RPA HealthOne and having acquired a site last year, it is great to now get a sense of the building’s design,” Dr Anderson said.

“The District will partner with community, primary care, and education and training institutes to enable RPA HealthOne to support the existing medical and health neighbourhood and improve patient care outside of the hospital system.”

RPA HealthOne will deliver a range of health care services focused on population health, early intervention, health promotion and prevention, including services that would traditionally be provided in a hospital setting at RPA. These may include diabetes, cardiology and gastro and liver clinics as well as community health services such as child and family health and mental health.

In addition, a major focus of RPA HealthOne is the formation of an Academic Primary Care Unit which will partner with primary practitioners in the area, such as GPs, nurse practitioners, pharmacists and allied health professionals.

“By working with our university partners and the Central and Eastern Sydney Primary Health Network, RPA HealthOne can play a unique role in supporting primary health practitioners in the local area to translate and adopt the latest clinical research findings to support the best outcomes for patients,” Dr Anderson said.

RPA HealthOne will be located at 944 Bourke Street, Zetland, close to the Green Square train station.

The two storey building is planned to feature eight consultation rooms, six treatment rooms, meeting rooms, a gymnasium for patient therapy and parking for cars and bicycles plus a drop-off area.

Green Square, located just outside Sydney’s CBD and airport, is the largest urban renewal site in Australia and is growing rapidly.

It’s projected to be home to more than 61,000 people by 2031, and with many thousands of people also working in the area daily, it will become one of the most densely populated areas in Australia.

Sydney Local Health District is partnering with Health Infrastructure to deliver the RPA HealthOne. Early works are nearing completion and a Development Application (DA) has been lodged to the City of Sydney. The project is estimated to be completed in late 2022.

The NSW Government is investing $100 million in the HealthOne Program which includes 20 HealthOne projects across NSW being delivered by Local Health Districts in partnership with Health Infrastructure.

For more information, see www.slhd.nsw.gov.au/RPA/HealthOne