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Microsoft Excel - Macros

bookmark Course category: Business skills
timer Duration: 4 hours

feed Study mode: Face to face

info Pre-requisites: Microsoft Excel Foundations (or similar experience)

About this course

Need to add automation to your Excel spreadsheets? Building upon Microsoft Excel foundations, this course equips you to create macros within Microsoft Excel to automate data management.  Delivered by an experienced Microsoft Office trainer in person at Rozelle Computer training lab, this four hour intermediate workshop will add to your Microsoft Excel portfolio, bringing your skills to the next level. As a participant, on course completion, you will receive a manual to provide you with additional guidance for use in the workplace.

Who should attend?

This course is appropriate for any staff member experienced with Microsoft Excel who need additional skills in creating macros to streamline data management.

What will you learn?

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Apply advanced functions
  2. Create, record and edit macros
  3. Use templates, data tables and solve problems

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Course Feedback

Previous participants in this program told us they would recommend this course to others and that they feel more confident working with Microsoft Excel PivotTable and charts.

“Adding macros to our spreadsheets has really streamlined our data entry”.

“The trainer’s enthusiasm and expertise really helped us master Excel”.