As the first virtual hospital in NSW, RPA Virtual Hospital (rpavirtual) plays a lead role in developing evidence for innovative, effective, and sustainable models of virtual care through high quality research and evaluation at the service level and/or through partnerships with other relevant services, tertiary institutions, and medical and health research centres.
Since its inception, rpavirtual has developed a significant research agenda and has several current research and evaluation projects across all disciplines. These include clinical trials, patient and clinician experience and qualitative research and evaluation studies.
The RPA Virtual Hospital Research Steering Committee (established May 2020) provides overarching governance. The Committee meets monthly and is co-chaired by the SLHD Chief Executive and District Director of Research. All rpavirtual research studies are reviewed by the Committee. Membership is comprehensive and includes members of rpavirtual Executive, Clinical Directors and key research partners.
rpavirtual is also represented as investigators or committee members on the national Digital Health Clinical Research Centre, the Centre of Research Excellence for Integrated Health, and Sydney Health Partners Virtual Care Clinical Academic Group.
Areas for research have focused on building the evidence of delivering virtual care by conducting clinical trials; demonstrating the viability and financial sustainability of rpavirtual by conducting health economic evaluation of virtual clinical programs; better understanding the patients and clinician experience with virtual care through qualitative studies; evaluation studies for new models of care; and investigating research opportunities using existing datasets.
Our Research Partnerships
SydneyConnect Image: RPA Virtual Hospital Research
rpavirtual has strengthened its research capability through the establishment of a Research Hub that includes a mixture of permanent and temporary funded positions and the through the establishment of strong collaborative research partnerships. Research relationships have been established with the following partners:
Menzies Centre for Health Policy and Economics, University of Sydney
RPA Green Light Institute for Emergency Care
Institute for Musculoskeletal Health
RPA Institute for Academic Surgery
Digital Health Cooperative Research Centre, University of Sydney
Sydney School of Health Sciences, University of Sydney
Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity, University of New South Wales
Centre for Health Informatics, Macquarie University.
Selected Grants
Amount awarded
Grant and project details
Department of Health Medical Research Future Fund, 2021-2022
Integrating remote monitoring technology into digital health infrastructure
Investigators: Wilson A, Britton W, Hutchings O, Shaw M, Eastwood J, Ritchie A, Taggart R, Jones A, Cook D, Poon S, Fox G, Lau E, Shaw T
NSW Health Office of Health and Medical Research, 2021-2023
Integrating remote monitoring technology into digital health infrastructure
Investigators: Wilson A, Britton W, Hutchings O, Shaw M, Eastwood J, Ritchie A, Taggart R, Jones A, Cook D, Poon S, Fox G, Lau E, Shaw T
Our Publications
Baird S, Ashley CL, Marsh-Wakefield F, Alca S, Ashhurst TM, Ferguson AL, Lukeman H, Counoupas C, Post JJ, Konecny P, Bartlett A, Martinello M, Bull RA, Lloyd A, Grey A, Hutchings O, Palendira U, Britton WJ, Steain M, Triccas JA. A unique cytotoxic CD4+ T cell-signature defines critical COVID-19. Clin Transl Immunology. 2023 Aug 28;12(8):e1463. doi: 10.1002/cti2.1463.
Bell JM, Dwyer TJ, Cunich M, Dentice RL, Hutchings O, Jo HE, Lau EM, Lee WY, Nolan SA, Munoz P, Raffan F, Shah K, ShawM, Taylor NA, Visser SK, Yozghatlian VA, Wong KKH, Sivam S. Impact of cystic fibrosis multidisciplinary virtual clinics on patient experience, time commitments and costs. Intern Med J. 2024 May;54(5):809-816. doi: 10.1111/imj.16258. Epub 2023 Oct 27.
Davis R, Bein K, Burrows J, Chakar B, Berendsen Russell S, Hutchings O, Dearing C, Jagers D, Edwards J, Chalkley D, Shaw M, McKenzie L, Goldmith H, Dinh M. Clinical characteristics and predictors for hospitalisation during the initial phases of the Delta variant COVID-19 outbreak in Sydney, Australia. Emerg Med Australas. 2023 Feb;35(1):34-40. doi: 10.1111/1742-6723.14048. Epub 2022 Aug 1.
Melman A, Vella SP, Dodd RH, Coombs DM, Richards B, Rogan E, Teng MJ, Maher CG, Ghinea N, Machado GC. Clinicians' Perspective on Implementing Virtual Hospital Care for Low Back Pain: Qualitative Study. JMIR Rehabil Assist Technol. 2023 Nov 21;10:e47227. doi: 10.2196/47227.
Torres-Robles A, Allison K, Poon SK, Shaw M, Hutchings O, Britton WJ, Wilson A, Baysari M. Patient and Clinician Perceptions of the Pulse Oximeter in a Remote Monitoring Setting for COVID-19: Qualitative Study. J Med Internet Res. 2023 Sep 5;25:e44540. doi: 10.2196/44540.
Liu D, Liu H, Blunden LA, Gupta L, Moore C, Nilsson S, Parcsi L, Shaw M, Anderson T, Eastwood J. Sydney Local Health District's Integrated Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Descriptive Study. Int J Integr Care. 2022 Sep 30;22(3):23.
Liu H, Liu D, Moore C, Parcsi L, Mukumbang F, De Souza D, Shaw M, Blunden LA, Anderson T, Eastwood J. Understanding for whom, how and why Sydney Local Health District's Integrated Response was Effective in Addressing COVID-19: A Critical Realist Qualitative Study. Int J Integr Care. 2022 Feb 11;22(1):13.
Mistry SK, Shaw M, Raffan F, Johnson G, Perren K, Shoko S, Harris-Roxas B, Haigh F. Inequity in Access and Delivery of Virtual Care Interventions: A Scoping Review. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Aug 1;19(15):9411.
Shaw M, Anderson T, Sinclair T, Hutchings O, Dearing C, Raffan F, Jagers D, Greenfield D. rpavirtual: Key lessons in healthcare organisational resilience in the time of COVID-19. Int J Health Plann Manage. 2022 May;37(3):1229-1237.
Cummins D, Andersson-Noorgard K. 'Preparing undergraduate nurses to care for people living with HIV infection'. Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal. 2021; 27 (3): 22-25.
Dinh M, Hutchings O, Kendall, B. 'Emergency department presentations by residents of Sydney quarantine hotels during the COVID‐19 outbreak'. Med J Aust. 2021; 214 (10): 473-474. DOI: 10.5694/mja2.51046
Foley L, Avramidis P, Randall S. 'New to the community setting: nurses' experiences and the importance of orientation'. Australian Journal of Primary Health. 2021; 27 (1): 50-56.
Fotheringham P, Anderson T, Shaw M, Jewitt J, Storey H, Hutchings O, Cartwright J, Gupta L. 'Control of COVID-19 in Australia through quarantine; the role of Special Health Accommodation (SHA) in New South Wales, Australia'. BMC Public Health (2021) 21:225. DOI: 10.1186/s12889-021-102447
Hutchings O, Dearing C, Jagers D, Shaw M, Raffan F, Jones A, Taggart R, Sinclair T, Anderson T, Ritchie AG. 'Virtual Health Care for Community Management of Patients with COVID-19 in Australia: Observational Cohort Study'. J Med Internet Res. 2021; 23(3):e21064. DOI: 10.2196/21064.
Raffan F, Anderson T, Sinclair T, Shaw M, Amanatidis S, Thapa R, Nilsson SJ, Jagers D, Wilson A, Haigh F. 'The virtual care experience of patients diagnosed with COVID-19'. Journal of Patient Experience. 2021; 8:1-7. DOI: 10.1177/23743735211008310