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Having your baby at RPA

Congratulations on your pregnancy.

Expectant mother at RPA Women and Babies appointment
SydneyConnect Image: RPA Women and Babies

Every pregnancy is unique and because of this, we have a range of options for your care.

The average length of a pregnancy is between 37 and 42 weeks (between 9 and 10 months). There will be a lot of information, appointments and things you can do to prepare for birth and parenting.

Early pregnancy is a good time to think about what type of pregnancy care you would like to receive, as there are many options available.

What do I do first?

  1. Visit your General Practitioner (GP) to confirm your pregnancy 
  2. Talk to your GP about your options for pregnancy care at RPA 
  3. Make a booking at RPA Hospital or with your private obstetrician to schedule your first appointment for when you reach 11-13 weeks pregnant  
  4. Book in your Early Pregnancy education session and browse additional sessions you might like to attend at our RPA Parent Education Service

Visit your General Practitioner

If you think you might be pregnant, you should make an appointment to visit your General Practitioner (GP) or doctor.  

Your GP will confirm your pregnancy, arrange routine tests and discuss your pregnancy care options with you. 

Your GP will:

  • Confirm your pregnancy 
  • Arrange routine early pregnancy screening. This may include urine and blood tests and an ultrasound 
  • Talk to you about your pregnancy care options  
  • Provide you with a referral to RPA Maternity Services or a private obstetrician  
  • Provide care during early pregnancy  

Your GP will also give you a yellow card to help you keep track of your antenatal appointments. You will need to bring this to all of your appointments during your pregnancy. 

Pregnancy Care

Referrals and contacts

Referral information for General Practitioners 

Please make referrals to RPA Women and Babies services using the HealthLink SmartForm eReferrals via the Sydney Local Health District Women's Health section on the HealthLink Referred Services list. 

HealthLink SmartForms are accessible from Best Practice, Genie and Medical Director software systems or via the My HealthLink Portal 

Use of eReferral enables direct confirmation of triage outcomes to both the referrer and patient. 
For more information on referrals visit HealthPathways Sydney.

Our locations 

RPA Women and Babies is located at RPA Hospital, Camperdown. Enter via the Main Building entrance off Missenden Road. 

24 hour access to Delivery Ward and Birth Centre 

The Delivery Ward and Birth Centre is located on Level 3, Main Building, RPA Hospital.  

Enter via the Main Building entrance off Missenden Road and take the lift down to Level 3.

In the event of an emergency, a small drop-off area is available near the Level 3 entry off Gloucester Drive. 

Birth Centre 
Level 3, Main Building

Phone: 02 9515 6405

Open 24 hours a day – between 10pm and 6am please use the intercom button. 

Delivery Ward 
Level 3, Main Building 

Phone: 02 9515 8420

Open 24 hours a day – between 10pm and 6am please use the intercom button.  

Midwifery, Obstetrics and
Gynaecology Clinics 
Level 5, Main Building 

Phone: 02 9515 7101  

Email: SLHD-RPAWBClinic@health.nsw.gov.au 

Fetal Medicine and Ultrasound 
Level 5, Main Building 

Phone: 02 9515 6042 

Email: SLHD-RPAHFetalMedicineUltrasound@health.nsw.gov.au 

Early Pregnancy Assessment Service (EPAS) 
Level 5, Main Building 

Phone: 02 9515 7101 

Email: SLHD-RPAWBClinic@health.nsw.gov.au 

Fertility Unit 
Level 5, Main Building 

Phone: 02 9515 8824 

Parent Education 
Level 5, Main Building 

Phone: 02 9515 5284  

Email: SLHD-RPAParentEducation@health.nsw.gov.au 

Lactation Services 
Level 5, Main Building 

Please talk to your Midwife or Obstetrician for access to our Lactation Services. 


Parking around RPA is limited. It is recommended to allow extra time to find parking. Visit the RPA Hospital Map, Transport & Parking page for details.