Midwifery Group Practice provides women with pregnancy, labour, birth and postnatal care by a known midwife. You will be allocated a ‘primary’ midwife who will provide personalised care and education during your pregnancy, be on call to support you during labour and birth and provide up to two weeks of home visits after you have your baby. Your midwife consults with an obstetrician who can provide care or advice during pregnancy if needed. Midwifery Group Practice is suitable for women with a low to moderate risk pregnancy. Women can choose to give birth in the Birth Centre or Delivery Ward.
RPA Midwifery Group Practice is available to women living in the RPA catchment area which includes the following suburbs: Annandale, Alexandria, Balmain, Birchgrove, Camperdown, Chippendale, Darlington, Dulwich Hill, Enmore, Erskineville, Forest Lodge, Glebe, Haymarket, Leichhardt, Lewisham, Lilyfield, Marrickville, Newtown, Petersham, Pyrmont, Redfern, Rozelle, St Peters, Stanmore, Sydenham, Tempe and Waterloo.
Women living in the Concord catchment area and wishing to birth at RPA may be able to receive their care through Concord Midwifery Group Practice. The Concord catchment area includes the following suburbs Ashfield, Dobroyd Point, Haberfield, Summer Hill, Burwood, Burwood Heights, Croydon Park, Corydon, Canda Bay, Concord, Cabarita, Breakfast Point, Mortlake, Concord West, Liberty Grove, Rhodes, Drummoyne, Russell Lea, Abbotsford, Rodd Point, Five Dock, Wareemba, Strathfield, Strathfield South, Enfield, parts of South Strathfield, Belfield and Greenacre.
Aboriginal Midwifery Group Practice
RPA Women and Babies has dedicated Midwifery Group Practice for women who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. The service is supported by a Clinical Midwife Consultant and an Aboriginal health worker.
The midwife will provide care during your pregnancy, labour, birth and in the community for up to two weeks after your birth.