A NSW Government website


Perinatal Mental Health

Our research focuses on approaches to sensitive and trauma informed perinatal mental health care to improve outcomes for parents, children and families. 

Our Research Team

Sylvia Lim Gibson Senior Staff Specialist and Clinical Director, Naamuru
Sophie Isobel Senior Researcher

Selected Grants

Amount awarded Grant and project details
$20,000 Sydney Institute for Women, Children and Their Families, 2022-2023

Piloting an intervention to promote social connections amongst culturally diverse women with identified vulnerability in the perinatal period. 

Investigators: Lim-Gibson S, Tutt A, Clay B, White G, Charlesworth S, Devonport C, O’Brien F, Selby J, Gordon P, Betts P, Isobel S.

Our Publications


Isobel, S., & Thomas, M. (2022). Vicarious trauma and nursing: An integrative review. International journal of mental health nursing, 31(2), 247-259.
Isobel, S. (2022). Complex trauma: the Tavistock model. A review: Joanne Stubley and Linda Young, eds., Abingdon: Routledge, 2021, 316p.,£ 27 pbk. ISBN: 978-1-3212998-0.
McNaughton, K. M., Isobel, S., Phelan, L., & Quilty, E. (2022). Trauma-informed training and education for professionals in Australia: a scoping review. The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice, (ahead-of-print).
Reupert, A., Bee, P., Hosman, C., van Doesum, K., Drost, L. M., Falkov, A., Isobel, S, ... & Ruud, T. (2022). Editorial Perspective: Prato Research Collaborative for change in parent and child mental health-principles and recommendations for working with children and parents living with parental mental illness. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 63(3), 350-353.
White, C., Nash, L., Karageorge, A., van der Pol, R., Hunt, G. E., Hamilton, B., & Isobel, S. (2022). Bridging the gap: A new integrated early intervention service for young people with complex mental health issues. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 16(2), 186-194.