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Mental Health Nursing Research

Our Publications


Conlon, D., Raeburn, T., & Wand, T. (2022). Cognitive Continuum Theory: Can it contribute to the examination of confidentiality and risk‐actuated disclosure decisions of nurses practising in mental health? Nursing Inquiry, e12520-e12520.
Delgado, C., Evans, A., Roche, M., & Foster, K. (2022). Mental health nurses' resilience in the context of emotional labour: An interpretive qualitative study. International Journal of Mental Health Nurses, 31(5), 1260-1275.
Isobel, S. (2022). Complex trauma: the Tavistock model. A review [Review of Complex trauma: the Tavistock model]. Journal of Mental Health, 31(3), 450-450.
Isobel, S., & Thomas, M. (2022). Vicarious trauma and nursing: An integrative review. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 31(2), 247-259.
Kuek, J. H. L., Raeburn, T., Chow, M. Y. Z., & Wand, T. (2022). Lived experiences of mental health conditions in Singapore: A constructivist grounded theory study. International Journal of Social Psychiatry 9, 2076402211351-207640221135111.
Kuek, J. H. L., Raeburn, T., Chow, M. Y. Z., & Wand, T. (2022). Lived experience perspectives of factors that influence mental health recovery in Singapore: a thematic analysis. Mental Health and Social Inclusion. https://doi.org/10.1108/MHSI-09-2022-0063
McNaughton, K. M., Isobel, S., Phelan, L., & Quilty, E. (2022). Trauma-informed training and education for professionals in Australia: a scoping review. The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice, (ahead-of-print).
Reupert, A., Bee, P., Hosman, C., van Doesum, K., Drost, L. M., Falkov, A., Isobel, S, ... & Ruud, T. (2022). Editorial Perspective: Prato Research Collaborative for change in parent and child mental health-principles and recommendations for working with children and parents living with parental mental illness. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 63(3), 350-353.
Wand, T., Glover, S., & Paul, D. (2022). What should be the future focus of mental health nursing? Exploring the perspectives of mental health nurses, consumers, and allied health staff. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 31(1), 179-188.
White, C., Nash, L., Karageorge, A., van der Pol, R., Hunt, G. E., Hamilton, B., & Isobel, S. (2022). Bridging the gap: A new integrated early intervention service for young people with complex mental health issues. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 16(2), 186-194.