Child Wellbeing & Protection Services
Child Protection Counselling Service
Who are we?
Social workers and psychologists who specialise in working with children, young people and their families or carers.
What do we provide?
We provide counselling for children and their families or carers where there have been concerns about the safety, welfare and wellbeing of the child or young person. This includes children living with their birth parent, children living in out-of-home care, and children where a return to their birth parent is planned.
This service aims to support the safety, welfare and wellbeing of the children and their families or carers.
What age group do we see?
Children aged from birth to 18 years and their families or carers.
Where are we located?
Croydon Community Health Centre.
How to contact us?
To attend our service, you will need a referral from the Department of Communities and Justice, the Joint Child Protection Response Program, an NGOs or a health service in Sydney Local Health District.
For more information, or to discuss a referral, please call 02 9378 1100 or email our team at SLHD-CPCSIntake@health.nsw.gov.au
Child Sexual Assault Counselling Service
Who are we?
Social workers and psychologists who specialise in working with children, young people and their families or carers.
What do we provide?
We provide counselling and consultation to children, young people, families or carers when the child or young person has experienced sexual assault.
What age group do we see?
Children and young people up to 14 years old and their families and carers.
Where are we located?
Croydon Health Centre. We are able to offer appointments in other settings across the District.
How to contact us?
For more information, or to discuss a referral, please call 0460 030 577 or email our team at SLHD-ChildSexualAssaultCounsellingService@health.nsw.gov.au
Other related information
For information for Sexual Assault Services for young people aged 14 years and older, please contact the Sexual Assault Service at RPA.
If you have concerns that a child or young person has, or is at risk of sexual abuse, please contact the Child Protection Helpline on 13 21 11. If you have concerns for immediate safety, please call Triple Zero (000)
If a child requires a medical assessment, please contact:
Under 14 years | The Children's Hospital at Westmead Phone: 02 9845 2434 After hours phone: 02 9845 0000 |
Under 16 years | Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick Phone: 02 9382 1412 After hours phone: 02 9382 1111 |
Safe Wayz
Who are we?
Social workers and psychologists.
What do we provide?
We provide information, advice and guidance to government and non-government services on how to support children with problematic and harmful sexualised behaviours, their families and carers.
This includes resources to support clinicians and parents, for example helping with safety planning and mandatory reporting. Safe Wayz is part of the Child Sexual Assault Counselling Service.
How to contact us?
For further information or to discuss a referral, please email us on SLHD-SafeWayz@health.nsw.gov.au
For more information about Safe Wayz, visit the NSW Health Safe Wayz Frequently asked questions.
Out of Home Care Health Pathway
Who are we?
What do we provide?
We work with health services and case workers to coordinate health assessments for children who are in statutory out-of-home care. This includes children living in foster care, kinship care and residential care who are referred from Department of Communities and Justice and live in Sydney Local Health District.
We assist with the development of health management plans to meet the physical and psychological health needs of the child or young person.
How to contact us?
For further information, email us on SLHD-OOHCIntake@health.nsw.gov.au
The Out of Home Care health assessments do not replace the services offered by a GP or emergency department. If a child or young person in your care is unwell or injured, and requires attention, please seek immediate medical attention.
Other related information
This is a state-wide program with Out of Home Care Coordinators within each Local Health District in NSW. For more information, visit the NSW Health Out of Home Care Health Pathway program.
Wellbeing Health In-Reach Nurse Coordinator Program
Who are we?
Wellbeing nurses are registered nurses who specialise in child and family health, youth health and psychosocial support.
What do we provide?
We collaborate with the school’s wellbeing and learning and support teams to assist students and their families in finding and accessing services to help them improve their health and wellbeing.
We also work closely with local health and community services to support both students and their family members in improving physical and mental health. This support includes peer and family relationships and managing behaviours.
Where are we located?
Our Wellbeing Health In-Reach Nurse Coordinators are located at 12 primary and high schools in Sydney Local Health District – view map for details.
How to contact us?
Students can access the service either through referrals from their school's wellbeing and learning support teams or by dropping in to see a Wellbeing Health In-Reach Nurse Coordinator on their designated days at the schools.
Visit the NSW Health website for more information about our wellbeing nurses.
Pregnancy Family Conferencing
Who are we?
Coordinators and peer parent supporters.
What do we provide?
A voluntary strength-based program with expectant parents and their families where child protection concerns have been identified.
For more information please watch our Pregnancy Family Conferencing video.
Healthy Homes and Neighbourhoods
Who are we?
Nurses and social workers.
What do we provide?
We work with other community workers to link families to the right service at the right time. We can help you in accessing the best care possible, in a coordinated way. For example, you may need help to connect with childcare and education service providers, social support, and financial services.
What do we see?
Families who live in Sydney Local Health District with at least 1 child (during pregnancy to 17 years), and whose primary carer/s have complex health and social needs.
How to contact us?
To attend our service, you will need a referral from any community and social care service currently working with you and your family.
Where are we located?
We see families in a number of different locations in the community, such as Riverwood Community Centre and Redfern.