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Forensic rehabilitation consumers will soon receive treatment in a new, purpose-built facility at Sydney Local Health District’s Concord Centre for Mental Health, as part of the NSW Government’s statewide investment in mental health. 

An artist impression of a building
SydneyConnect Image: Artist impression of the Burudyara facility

Located adjacent to Concord Hospital and expanding on the Concord Centre for Mental Health’s existing forensic rehabilitation services, the new facility will provide low and medium secure mental health beds. The project is a partnership between Health Infrastructure and Sydney Local Health District. 

Forensic rehabilitation is a specialist area of the mental health system that provides assessment, care and treatment to people with mental illness who are, or have been, in contact with the criminal justice system. 

It is important that Burudyara provides consumers and staff an environment in which they feel safe, so they can participate purposefully in therapeutic activities. For this reason, the security of the facility is of utmost importance and leave or community access will be strictly regulated. 

Part of the NSW Government’s $700 million Statewide Mental Health Infrastructure Program (SWMHIP), this investment will meet the needs and improve the capacity of NSW Health’s forensic rehabilitation system, treating consumers in a mental health facility with a treatment level that best supports their recovery. 

Construction of the facility began in mid-2024 and is due for completion by late 2025. 

SydneyConnect Image: An aerial view of work at the new Burudyara forensic rehabilitation facility. Photo credit: Skyview Photography

Burudyara means ‘butterfly’

The new facility will be named ‘Burudyara’ (BOO-ruhdYA-ruh), a local Aboriginal dialect word for butterfly, in line with NSW Health’s approach to building a stronger connection between our facilities and the land on which they’re built. 

Construction of Burudyara is now well under way, with much of the main structure already in place. The fit-out, scheduled to begin in early 2025, will provide a low and medium secure facility with therapeutic and recovery-oriented practices and procedures focusing on acknowledging the unique needs of each individual. 

Extensive consultation with staff, carers and people with lived experience of mental health issues has been at the centre of the planning and design process, to ensure these new services deliver appropriate and contemporary models of care. 

Design principles

Once complete, Burudyara will be a secure, modern and welcoming place for staff, consumers and visitors, where the best quality of care can be provided. 

The environment is designed to feel safe and homely, with special domestic features and comforts, while also providing a secure and safe environment for all. 

An artist impression of a building
SydneyConnect Image: Artist impression of the Burudyara facility

The centre will feature private and social spaces throughout, allowing consumers the opportunity to interact or retreat to aid with recovery and rehabilitation. 

The design aims to maximise natural light in activity spaces and lounge areas for the increased wellbeing of staff and consumers. The grounds around Burudyara will incorporate therapeutic landscaping elements to positively influence health and recovery. Inside, the new facility will feature warm and soothing colours to create a sense of comfort and calm. 


Health Infrastructure and Sydney Local Health District are committed to sustainable practices and work with contractors who have embedded environmentally sustainable procedures. 

We are dedicated to minimising our ecological and carbon footprint and preference will be given to the selection of materials that are locally manufactured, recyclable and have low embodied energy

Our commitment to engagement

Engaging early with consumers, carers, staff and communities means we gain diverse perspectives that help us to co-design projects that improve consumer outcomes.  

Burudyara has been co-designed with consumers who have lived experience of mental health facilities, to ensure it meets the needs of those who will access the service. 

We are working closely with staff, consumers and the community to share project information, updates and to ask for feedback. For more information, please visit the Concord Hospital website or email SLHDConcordRedevelopment@health.nsw.gov.au 


LATE 2023: Design completed 

EARLY 2024: Main works tender awarded 

MID-2024: Construction started 

LATE 2025: Completion expected

A forensic rehabilitation service

Burudyara is part of the 170-bed Concord Centre for Mental Health precinct, adding accommodation for 42 people, each in their own room with ensuite. Accommodation will feature an inpatient unit for people early in their rehabilitation and self-catered apartment accommodation for those toward the end of their inpatient rehabilitation journey.

Recruitment opportunities

Recruitment for an expanded team of specialist clinicians from all health disciplines will open in mid-2025 for roles commencing in 2026. 

If you are interested in a position where you will be well supported within a comprehensive network of specialist forensic services across the state of New South Wales, share your details to be notified when recruitment opens.
Register your interest

For information about the Forensic Mental Health Service, including recruitment opportunities email SLHD-Burudyara@health.nsw.gov.au