Planning Tools
Developing a Plan
Developing a plan is a structured process that requires consideration of purpose, audience, latest evidence, consumer involvement and future need. The following processes are used in developing plans across Sydney Local Health District.

Governance |
Scope |
Literature |
Consultation |
Data |
Analyse Data |
Develop Strategies |
Draft and final plans |
District Information
Sydney Local Health District (the District), one of 15 local health districts in NSW, encompasses the Local Government Areas (LGAs) of the City of Sydney (western part), Inner West Council, Canterbury-Bankstown (Canterbury part), Canada Bay, Burwood, and Strathfield (See District Area Map). The District is responsible for the health and wellbeing of local residents, a large number of people who travel to the District to use its tertiary and quaternary services and more than a million people who come into our District every day to work, study and visit. As our District includes the main campuses of the University of Sydney, The University of Technology (Sydney) and a number of other tertiary facilities the District is home to a large number of international and local students. It covers 126 square kilometres, with a population density of over 5555 residents per square kilometre.
The District is a leader in healthcare and a top performing District in Australia. 74 per cent of the public hospital care required by our residents is provided locally, reflecting a high level of self-sufficiency. Over a third of Sydney Local Health District services are provided for people living outside of our District, reflecting the strength of the District’s tertiary and quaternary healthcare services.
The Sydney Local Health District annual budget is $2.183 billion. The District employs 15,000 staff of whom 72 per cent are women and 42 per cent are aged under 35 years. We pride ourselves in equipping our staff with skills and capabilities and annually educate another 5280 students.
Research and innovation underpin our clinical service delivery, with over 2000 publications, 730 clinical trials and 445 grants worth $638 million in 2021-22.
Our Principal Referral Hospitals
- Royal Prince Alfred (RPA)
- Concord Repatriation General Hospital (Concord Hospital)
Our Major Metropolitan Hospital
- Canterbury Hospital
Our Specialist Hospitals
- RPA Virtual Hospital (rpavirtual) – a major virtual hospital
- Balmain Hospital – an aged care and rehabilitation specialist hospital
- Concord Centre for Mental Health – a tertiary mental health facility
- Professor Marie Bashir Centre for Mental Health – a tertiary mental health facility
- Sydney Dental Hospital - a tertiary oral health facility
Our Community-Based Health Services
Services are provided face to face and virtually, in the home, in community settings and in community health centres.
Public Health | Youth Health | Interpreter Services |
Child Health and Development | Sydney District Nursing | Mental Health |
Aged Health | Demand Management | Population Health and Health Promotion |
Planned Care for Better Health | Aboriginal Health Services | Diversity Hub including CALD, LGBTIQ+ |
Sexual Health and Blood Borne Virus services | Drug Health Services | Oral Health |
Sexual Assault services | Child Wellbeing and Protection Services | BreastScreen |
Our Partners in Care
- Primary and specialist care providers
- Community-based organisations
- NSW Health and specialist health organisations
- Other health agencies
- Other government agencies and services
- Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations
- Affiliated health services
- Universities, colleges, and tertiary institutions
- Medical Research Institutes
Our Specialty Services
The District has many services which are provided on a supra local health district or state-wide basis, such as the Australian Liver Transplant Centre, the State Burns Unit, kidney transplantation, organ retrieval, blood and marrow transplantation, cardiovascular and cardiothoracic services, neurosciences and neuro-intervention, complex epilepsy, genomics and gene therapy, cancer and haematological care, highly complex surgery, intensive care, Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Retrieval (ECMO), mental health intensive care, neonatal care, high risk maternity, and gynaecology.
Our Clinical Streams
Aged Care, Rehabilitation and General Medicine linked with Chronic and Ambulatory Care and General Practice | Cancer Services | Cardiovascular |
Gastroenterology and Liver | Critical Care | Medical Imaging |
Neurosciences, Bone and Joint, Plastics and Trauma Surgery | NSW Health Pathology | Pain and Anaesthesia |
Women’s Health, Neonatology and Paediatrics | Renal/Urology | Drug Health |
Mental Health | Oral Health | Public Health |
Royal Prince Alfred Virtual Hospital | Community Health | Population Health |
Sydney Local Health District has a substantial and widely recognised health and medical research role with world leading and world class research groups in biomedical research, substantial strengths in clinical research, public and population health research, and health services research. Through our strong partnerships with the University of Sydney, Sydney Research, Sydney Health Partners, Tech Central, our Medical Research Institutes and other affiliations, we will further develop our national and international leadership in health and medical research and its translation.
The District provides significant education services through the Centre for Education and Workforce Development, the University of Sydney Clinical Schools and through affiliations with a wide range of university and higher education partners.
Our Community
The District population is growing and ageing. The current population is expected to increase to 819,540 by 2036, an increase of 17 per cent (DPE, 2022). Tables 1 and 2 provide the projected District population by Local Government Area from 2021 to 2036 and by age groupings (Table 2).
Table 1: Sydney Local Health District Population Projections by Local Government Area, 2021 to 2036
LGA^ | 2021 | 2026 | 2031 | 2036 | growth 2021-2036 |
Ashfield | 47,135 | 48,111 | 49,387 | 50,509 | 7.2% |
Burwood | 41,256 | 47,306 | 53,517 | 59,258 | 43.6% |
Canada Bay | 96,823 | 101,906 | 105,208 | 111,941 | 15.6% |
Canterbury | 163,552 | 170,814 | 181,414 | 190,297 | 16.4% |
Leichhardt | 61,643 | 62,402 | 63,946 | 67,445 | 9.4% |
Marrickville | 91,152 | 92,452 | 94,741 | 97,915 | 7.4% |
Strathfield | 47,763 | 53,973 | 56,356 | 60,212 | 26.1% |
Sydney (SLHD*) | 148,457 | 155,769 | 168,567 | 181,963 | 22.6% |
Total SLHD | 697,781 | 732,733 | 773,137 | 819,540 | 17.4% |
Other NSW | 7,473,777 | 7,887,199 | 8,377,363 | 8,832,961 | 18.2% |
Source: DPE 2022 High Series Population Projections, LGAs as per pre-amalgamated borders 2016, Sydney LGA includes South and Sydney regions.
Table 2: Sydney Local Health District by age groupings, 2021 to 2036
Age Group | 2021 | 2026 | 2031 | 2036 |
00-04 | 37,576 | 38,021 | 38,043 | 39,013 |
05-09 | 32,557 | 32,262 | 32,895 | 33,317 |
10-14 | 29,739 | 30,759 | 30,588 | 31,567 |
15-19 | 28,574 | 34,326 | 35,552 | 35,721 |
20-24 | 58,054 | 55,706 | 63,125 | 65,627 |
25-29 | 80,290 | 75,941 | 78,272 | 85,864 |
30-34 | 76,379 | 76,319 | 75,381 | 78,974 |
35-39 | 62,312 | 66,663 | 66,922 | 67,872 |
40-44 | 47,108 | 54,601 | 57,750 | 59,117 |
45-49 | 42,319 | 42,771 | 48,795 | 52,090 |
50-54 | 39,358 | 40,187 | 40,646 | 46,401 |
55-59 | 37,151 | 38,475 | 39,405 | 40,216 |
60-64 | 32,705 | 36,100 | 37,369 | 38,576 |
65-69 | 27,498 | 31,652 | 34,622 | 36,048 |
70-74 | 23,507 | 26,225 | 30,077 | 32,895 |
75-79 | 17,007 | 22,082 | 24,686 | 28,451 |
80-84 | 12,327 | 15,188 | 19,863 | 22,526 |
85-89 | 7,971 | 9,406 | 11,896 | 15,874 |
90-94 | 3,972 | 4,364 | 5,323 | 6,993 |
95-99 | 1,185 | 1,390 | 1,570 | 1,988 |
100-104 | 181 | 260 | 305 | 348 |
105+ | 11 | 35 | 52 | 62 |
Total | 697,781 | 732,733 | 773,137 | 819,540 |
Source: DPE 2022 High Series Population Projections
The District population is ageing. 9.5 per cent of our residents are currently aged over 70 but this will increase to 13.3 per cent by 2036; a total of 42,976 extra older persons. There are currently 4000 people living in residential aged care facilities and 10,000 of our residents are living with dementia. 11 per cent of residents are unpaid carers.
Each year around 7790 babies are born in our District and there are over 100,000 children living in our District.
There are more than 7000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (1.1 per cent) living in Sydney Local Health District. Redfern remains one of the most recognised and historically significant urban Aboriginal places in Australia.
Our District is rich in cultural and social diversity with significant numbers of refugees, asylum seekers and special humanitarian entrants. 34 per cent of our residents were born in a non-English speaking country, and 47,150 residents speak little or no English. The most common languages spoken at home are Chinese, Arabic, Greek, Korean and Italian.
A feature of the District’s social diversity is our proud lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer and asexual (LGBTIQ+) community. A number of our suburbs have the highest proportions of same-sex couples in Australia.
Life expectancy in the District is 84 years for men and 89 years for women, however, the District is characterised by socio-economic diversity, with pockets of both extreme advantage and disadvantage. People who are most disadvantaged experience a lower life expectancy than the general community. Those who are most disadvantaged have lower incomes, less education, live in poor housing or in overcrowded conditions, experience varied levels of social exclusion and typically have access to fewer resources to maintain good health.
Our District has a large homeless population, many residents with insecure housing, and the largest proportion of Boarding Houses in NSW (463 Boarding Houses). Homelessness is related to poor health outcomes and people who have experienced homelessness are more likely to report having mental health and physical health problems.
Overall, people living in the District are in good health compared to the rest of NSW, however, there are considerable disparities in health status: 21 per cent of our residents live with a mental health problem, 8 per cent have diabetes, 15 per cent of pregnant women have gestational diabetes, 7 per cent report having a long-term health condition. 47 per cent are overweight or obese and 32 per cent of adults do not exercise enough. These issues, along with our growing and aging population, and our priority populations with significant risk factors, has significant implications for our services,
Forecasted Health Service Demand
Our District healthcare demand is forecasted to increase substantially due to the growth, ageing and increased chronicity of our population. Table three provides a snapshot of the expected changes in demand between 2021-22 and 2030-31.
Table 3: Forecasted Sydney Local Health District Activity, 2021-22 to 2030-31
On an Average Day in Our District: | 2021-22 | 2030-31: |
Patients in our hospitals | 2,245 | 3,129 |
People attending Emergency Departments | 470 | 637 |
Ambulances arriving | 123 | 171 |
People receiving outpatient services | 6,456 | 9,334 |
People receiving care in the community | 1,404 | 2,181 |
People receiving care from rpaVirtual | 500 | 777 |
People receiving care from Sydney District Nursing | 244 | 379 |
People receiving care from Oral Health Services | 487 | 757 |
People receiving Interpreter Services | 299 | 465 |
People having a surgical operation | 130 | 182 |
Census and Data
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) | Population and census information and projections, including examples of important surveys such as the National Health Survey, The National ATSI Survey, the National Disability Survey. |
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) | Important health care publications including Australia's Health, hospital statistics, BEACH (General practice data). |
Cancer Council NSW | Data in relation to cancer incidence, morbidity, mortality and future projections. |
NSW Health | A range of important data and information is available from NSW Health. For example NSW Midwives Data Collection, NSW Health Population Projections, Chief Health Officers' Report, NSW Health Promotion Surveys, Aboriginal Health Impact Statement guidelines, Process of Facility Planning, inpatient data, emergency department data. |
Sydney Local Health District Public Health Observatory | A range of publications and reports relevant to Sydney Local Health District. A partnership with the University of Sydney. |
HealthStats NSW | A 'one-stop-shop' public website bringing together data from many sources to produce statistical information about the health of the NSW population. Users can view and download data and select indicators to produce tailored reports that provide insights into a wide range of health determinants and outcomes. Information can be found on the health status of the NSW population, health inequalities and the determinants of health, the major causes of diseases and injury, and current health challenges, trends in health and comparisons between age groups and geographic locations. |
Bureau of Health Information | The Bureau of Health Information provides independent reports about the performance of the NSW healthcare system to inform improvements to care for patients, and enhance transparency and accountability. |