The Planning Unit develops, manages and coordinates District-wide strategies and plans for the Sydney Local Health District. This can include strategic, precinct, partnership, capital, facility and service plans.

Some plans and strategies will be directly developed by the Planning Unit. The Planning Unit is also able to provide advice, resources and assistance to clinicians, providers and partners in developing plans and strategies. Planning is patient and family centred and consultation with consumers and the community is a feature of the planning process.
The Planning Unit has access to a wide range of data, information and planning tools to aid the development of plans and strategies. Planning has access to the latest population projections, data and information about health services and population health status. It also has access to forecasting software, tools for assessing historical patient flow patterns and activity, tools for guiding the allocation of resources and health service roles across the District. Scenario and options analysis and preliminary cost benefit analyses are often undertaken for plans.
How we can help you
The Planning Unit can assist in developing new strategies and plans, support in developing new models of care for populations or understanding the projections for future health care delivery. This includes:
- requests for data
- development of scopes and plans
- forecasting for future populations and services
- pointing you in the right direction
The Planning Unit supports Sydney Local Health District staff, partners and providers to plan for the delivery of future healthcare services. The team works in collaboration with the community, staff and partner organisations to ensure our community is appropriately planned for future healthcare.
The District's Planning Unit is committed to continuous improvement and values input from staff, partners and consumers. Contact us at SLHD-Planning@health.nsw.gov.au