Aged Health, Chronic Care & Rehabilitation
Sydney Local Health District provides care to older people and people with disabilities, as well as rehabilitation for people recovering from illness or injury.

Services are provided across the Local Government Areas of Ashfield, Burwood, Canada Bay, Strathfield, Canterbury, Leichhardt, Marrickville, and part of the City of Sydney. Our services are offered in a variety of settings including private homes, hospitals, community centres and residential care settings (like nursing homes). There is also a network of advice and information services to help older people and their carers find the programs that best match their needs.
For enquiries regarding Aged Health Services, such as acute care Hospital in The Home; community nursing services; medical clinics; and outpatient therapy services, please contact us on 1300 722 276 (8am to 8pm) or email on

The Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme is funded by the Australian Government. It is a program that recruits volunteers to visit older people in residential aged care or those in receipt of a Home Care package who are socially isolated. These volunteers provide friendship and companionship through one-on-one visits.
The Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme in Sydney Local Health District has been operating since 1993 in partnership with Residential Aged Care Facilities. Sydney Local Health District recruits, trains and supports visitors from a culturally and linguistically diverse background and matches them with residents of the same cultural background. Sydney Local Health District Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme has several hundred volunteer visitors speaking 38 different language groups, but is often looking for more.
Refer a resident
To refer a resident, call our District Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme Coordinator on 02 9515 9800 (Monday to Friday during business hours) or complete the referral form below and email it to
Referral form
Volunteer as a visitor
To join the Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme team as a volunteer visitor, call the District Coordinator on 02 9515 9800 (Monday to Friday during business hours) or send an email to
Volunteer visitors need to meet certain criteria to join the team including a National Criminal Record Check, which a Coordinator will explain. When you become a volunteer you have the opportunity to meet other volunteers at educational and social events and to learn new skills relevant to the role.
Winter Newsletter
In order to access Australian Government-funded aged care services, including Residential Aged Care Homes, Home Care Packages, allied health or nursing support, an assessment is required. To arrange this assessment contact My Aged Care (MAC) by visiting or call 1800 200 422.
The Care Finder Service assists people who require intensive assistance to navigate and access aged care services and support, via the My Aged Care system.
Care Finder Service Intake Form
To learn more, contact us at or call 02 9767 4182.
The Centre for STRONG Medicine service helps older adults with chronic disease and frailty optimise their physical function and mental wellbeing. In the correct dose, exercise and diet can have positive, medication-like effects on the body to improve strength, function and maintain independence. It is safe, medically supervised and administered in an individual way.
A medical referral from a GP or specialist is required and must be addressed to the service geriatrician.
Sydney Local Health District has two Centre for STRONG Medicine services:
Facility | Address | Contact |
Balmain Hospital | Balmain Hospital 29 Booth Street Balmain NSW 2041 |
Email: Phone: 02 9395 2097 |
Concord Hospital | Lower Ground Rusty Priest Building 60 Concord Hospital Hospital Road Concord NSW 2139 |
Email: Phone: 02 9767 4486 |
If you are currently in hospital needing assistance to return back home, living in the community with a disability (and not eligible for NDIS), or you are caring for someone who is is deteriorating or terminally ill who needs assistance with daily living tasks, please contact us on 1800 266 725 or complete our Out of Hospital Care Intake Form and email it to our team at
Out of Hospital Care Intake Form
The Planned Care for Better Health service provides short-term care (up to 12 weeks) for people with chronic health conditions and complex social needs living within Sydney Local Health District.
To learn more, please contact us via the Access Care Team
Phone: 1300 722 276
Sydney Local Health District partners with residential aged care home, GPs and District services by linking medical and nursing specialists with the home.
For support and advice about clinical care of residents in Residential Aged Care, contact 1300 722 276.
If you are currently in hospital, aged over 65 years and need assistance to return home safely, for example low level therapy, nursing support or personal care, please talk to your treating team on the ward. Your team will make a referral to us on your behalf for an assessment regarding a short-term Transition Care Package.
Transition Care in Sydney Local Health District can occur in your home or in our residential setting at Balmain Hospital.
Transition Care Referral Form