NSW Health Awards finalists 2023
District’s specialists recognised for making a difference to the wellbeing of staff and patients.

Dr Bethan Richards, RPA Hospital Staff Specialist Rheumatologist and Australia’s first Chief Medical Wellness Officer, is nominated for Staff Member of the Year Award at the 2023 NSW Health Awards.
“It is an honour to be recognised by my colleagues and peers, without whom I would not be where I am today” she said.
Since starting her career in NSW Health in 2003, Dr Richards has championed innovation in staff and patient-centred care through her roles as Medical Superintendent, Head of the Department of Rheumatology, Deputy Director of the Institute of Musculoskeletal Health, and, most recently, Medical Director of MyDistrictOK, our District’s staff wellbeing program.
She loves the variety of challenges through her different roles, and the wonderful people she works alongside every single day.
“Working in an environment where I have been supported to think outside the box, take on a variety of leadership roles, and combine my research, clinical and education skills to try and make a difference in someone else’s life, is also really fulfilling.”
Dr Richards is one of four NSW Health Awards finalists from Sydney Local Health District, representing a variety of healthcare services.
The Behavioural Escalation Support Team (BEST) is a finalist for the Transforming Patient Experience Award.
The BEST team role models care and supports and empowers staff in best practice management of patients at risk of or experiencing an acute behavioural disturbance.
Since the establishment of BEST, there has been a reduction in Code Black incidents, an 11 per cent increase in staff confidence, 13 per cent increase in skills, and a six per cent increase in awareness of their role, policies, and practices in providing care to patients exhibiting acute behavioural disturbance.
The RPA Transplant Institute is also nominated for a Health Research Award, for its work improving the success of liver transplantation for patients with end-stage liver disease and liver tumours.
The team have increased the possibility of success and better health outcomes for patients with the Extended Organ Perfusion System, which detoxifies and sustains the liver through autoregulation of multiple physiological functions.
The Naamuru Parent and Baby Unit is also a finalist for the Excellence in the Provision of Mental Health Services Award – a double finalist nomination after the Unit’s recent Premier’s Award finalist recognition.
Naamuru is the first public mental health unit in NSW that offers parent-baby admissions for parents experiencing acute mental health illness during the perinatal period, and the first in the world to offer non-gender specific care and treatment.
The 2023 NSW Health Awards will be held in person on 24 October at the Sydney International Convention Centre.