A NSW Government website


Managing Underperformance

bookmark Course category: Working with others
timer Duration: 1 hour
feed Study mode: Virtual tutorial
info Pre-requisites: n/a

About this course

Unsatisfactory performance must be well managed. This short course will provide you with the skills required to allow your employee to improve their performance within a reasonable timeframe. Resolving a performance problem is not an easy task, but having an objectively planned course of action will help you to effectively deal with these types of situations.

Topics covered in this course include use of the development performance framework, identifying areas of underperformance, strategies to deal with underperformance, and how to have the conversation with the staff involved.

Who should attend?

This course is appropriate for human resources professionals, managers, and supervisors responsible for the performance development and management of employees.

What will you learn?

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Outline the process to manage employee underperformance based on organisational policies and framework
  2. Apply the essential components of an underperformance focussed conversation with an employee
  3. Identify strategies to assist managers to support employees to improve unsatisfactory performance
  4. Identify the organisational requirements to manage unresolved unsatisfactory performance

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