Diploma of Mental Health
About this course
The Diploma of Mental Health is a unique, workplace based, nationally recognised qualification developed in partnership by Sydney Education and Sydney Local Health District Community Mental Health Service. The Diploma of Mental Health is contextualised to public mental health settings and provides the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to enhance practice and progress your career in community mental health.
The Diploma of Mental Health is for Sydney Local Health District Community Mental Health staff with backgrounds in nursing, social work, occupational therapy, psychology, and Aboriginal mental health clinicians. This qualification reflects the specialist role of those working in community mental health, a diverse, autonomous role that requires high-level knowledge, skills and competencies.
Delivered by Sydney Education - Sydney Local Health District which is a delivery site of the NSW Health Registered Training Organisation. RTO #90198
What you will learn
The program focuses on recovery oriented and trauma informed models of care, complex care, working in partnership with consumers and their families, quality improvement and reflective practice.
By the end of this program
Participants will be equipped to:
- Integrate person-centred recovery-oriented practice in planning and delivery of comprehensive care that best supports consumers
- Demonstrate clinical leadership in autonomous work and in fostering multidisciplinary links whilst working collaboratively and recognising specialties and expertise to improve the quality of health service provision
- Recognise trauma-informed care as both an organisational and practice approach applying a strengths-based framework through care episodes that emphasises physical, psychological, and emotional safety for consumers
- Promote physical, emotional, cultural, and spiritual safety for consumers, colleagues and self, recognising and supporting the range of diverse experiences that can influence how people receive health care service delivery
- Recognise that people can experience more than one type of diversity, and these intersections of diversity and high-risk groups can further influence their experience within the health service organisation and increase tensions or expose them to increased risk of harm
- Develop and implement comprehensive care strategies in partnership with consumers, their carers, and familiesthat promote wellbeing and recovery and reduce clinical risk
- Engage and support consumers and their families and carers with education including medication reconciliation on admission, during episodes of care and on discharge
- Apply communication processes for transfer of responsibility of care and coordination of concurrent care by more than one treating team, recognising complexity and co-morbidities
- Actively contribute to a service delivery culture that partners with consumers in developing strategies to support safety and review of policies and procedures
- Provide early intervention and identify opportunities for health promotion and quality improvement
- Contribute to and participate in quality improvement initiatives in community mental health services
- Foster a culture of clinical supervision by engaging in critical analysis and reflection of your own practice.
Units of competency
HLTWHS004 | Manage Work Health Safety |
CHCCCS019 | Recognise and respond to crisis situations |
CHCMHS005 | Provide services to people with co-existing mental health and alcohol and other drug issues |
CHCCCS003 | Increase safety for individuals at risk of suicide |
CHCCSM004 | Coordinate complex case requirements |
CHCMHS002 | Establish self-directed recovery relationships |
CHCMHS003 | Provide recovery orientated mental health services |
CHCMHS010 | Implement recovery orientated approaches to complexity |
CHCMHS012 | Provide support to develop wellness plans and advanced directives |
CHCMHS013 | Implement trauma informed care |
CHCMHS011 | Assess and promote social, emotional, and physical wellbeing |
CHCCSL001 | Establish and confirm the counselling relationship |
CHCDIV001 | Work with diverse people |
CHCDIV002 | Promote Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety |
CHCADV005 | Provide systems advocacy services |
CHCMHS004 | Work collaboratively with the care network and other services |
CHCMHS009 | Provide early intervention, health prevention and promotion programs |
CHCPOL003 | Research and apply evidence to practice |
CHCPRP003 | Reflect on and improve own practice |
Target audience
Sydney Local Health District Community Mental Health staff who wish to expand their knowledge, enhance their practice and progress their careers in community mental health through a workplace-based qualification.
Participant requirements
Over the 12 months of the program, you will be required to complete 19 sessions of face-to-face training and 11 webinar sessions. These sessions will be held at the Sydney Education Rozelle Campus or online.
You will also be required to complete a small continuous improvement project and assessment workbooks that will assess the application of your knowledge and skills.
There is a commitment outside of work time to complete assessments and attend webinars.
Support provided to participants
All students will be provided with support from the Program Coordinator, nurse educator and team leaders and senior clinicians in their team who will need to authorise attendance, verify workplace performance, and provide support to their staff member throughout the program.
Key information
Please contact Sydney Education for more information