A NSW Government website


Managing self

We provide courses and programs that supports staff to be at their best in the workplace, to enhance their own capacity to make a difference and create change.

Workforce staff on park bench, Canterbury
SydneyConnect Image: Our staff
Study mode Course details Duration
Face to face

Curriculum Vitae (CV) Writing and Interview Skills 

Applying and interviewing for a new role can be a daunting process, even when you know you are well qualified. This course has been designed to systematically move you through the application process in order for you to increase your chances of qualifying for an interview and to feel more confident. Learn more...



4 hours
Face to face

It's Hard to be Human: Building Resilience in Uncertain Times

This workshop gets to the heart of some of the challenges involved in being human. It has never been easy to be human, we stress about the never-ending list of things we have to do. We are also wired with an innate negative bias that often makes us focus on the negative rather than the positive in our lives. Learn more...



1 day
Face to face

The Neurobiology of Human Connection

The course investigates the fundamental need for interpersonal safety as well as variables such as therapeutic presence, self-awareness and self-care that may impact on an individual’s ability to facilitate interpersonal safety when working and communicating with othersLearn more...



8 hours
Face to face

The Neurobiology of Stress - Managing the Stress Response

This course outlines the neurobiological, psychological, and behavioural aspects of stress and the dangers of chronic stress. Learn more...


8 hours

*We're redeveloping slhd.health.nsw.gov.au/sydney-education – more features and courses will be added over time.