A NSW Government website


Minute Taking for Beginners

bookmark Course category: Business skills
timer Duration: 2 hours
feed Study mode: Virtual Session
info Pre-requisites: n/a

About this course

The aim of this interactive and practical course is to equip you with the skills and knowledge to organise the administrative parts of a meeting and how to take effective meeting minutes.

Topics covered include understanding the role of the Chairperson and minute taker, how to prepare for a meeting, how to plan the agenda, understanding meeting terminology, and effective use of abbreviations. You will also have the opportunity to practice writing effective minutes using sample templates and guides.

*A workbook will be emailed to you prior to attending this virtual workshop. The workbook is designed for you to follow exercises during the workshop and refer to as a resource for the future.

Who should attend?

This course is designed for any staff member wishing to learn skills in minute taking and gain an understanding of the skills required to successfully plan, run and record meetings.

What will you learn?

By the end of this course you will be able to:

  1. Develop the skills and knowledge that will enable you to successfully record meeting minutes.
  2. Define the roles and responsibilities of the minute taker and the chairperson before, during, and after a meeting.
  3. Create an agenda following a recommended order.
  4. Use effective listening skills to accurately record meeting minutes and action items.
  5. Apply the appropriate use of abbreviations when recording minutes.

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