Women's Health
Women living in Sydney Local Health District are diverse and some communities are more likely to experience additional health vulnerabilities. The Women’s Health Program goal is to improve the health and wellbeing of women living in Sydney Local Health District, especially those from priority populations who experience health inequities and barriers to access health services.

Supporting the Health and Wellbeing of Women
In Sydney Local Health District we support the health and wellbeing of women by:
- Developing outreach models to offer cervical screening and sexually transmitted infections (STI) testing in the community
- Delivering health promotion, health education initiatives and awareness campaigns
- Providing training and support to healthcare and service providers on women’s health topics
Key Projects
- Media marketing campaigns to promote cervical screening awareness
- Breast Cancer Concierge Program
- Breast Screening and Cervical Screening community education
- Resources for women with HIV
- Postnatal contraception videos
NSW Women’s Health Framework
Our work is guided by NSW Women’s Health Framework 2019, which provides direction to all NSW Health organisations and staff to deliver services and foster environments in NSW that help women to meet their physical, emotional, social and economic potential.
The Framework's vision is to achieve better health and wellbeing for all women and girls in NSW at every stage of their lives.
We work with women from priority populations including:
- Aboriginal women
- Culturally and linguistically diverse women
- Lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer community
- Women living with a disability
- Women experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage or homelessness
We also work with a range of clinical services, research institutes and community organisations to achieve the best possible outcomes for women in Sydney Local Health District.
Key Services for Women's Health
National Cervical Screening Program | Recommends all women or people with a cervix aged between 25-74 years who have ever been sexually active to have a cervical screening test every five years. |
NSW Cancer Institute | Provides information on cervical, bowel and breast screening. |
Breastscreen NSW |
Provides free screening mammograms to women aged 50-74. Women aged 40-49 and women aged 75+ are also eligible to attend. |
1800 Respect | A national domestic family and sexual violence counselling service. |
Leichhardt women’s health community centre | A non-government and not-for-profit organisation dedicated to providing low-cost and affordable medical allied and complementary healthcare and education to improve women’s health. |
Postnatal Contraception
These videos explain why it is important to leave some time between each pregnancy and how you can use birth control (contraception) after having your baby. They show the different types of contraception. You can also learn where to find support and information to help you make the decisions that are right for you. We made these videos with community, for community.
The videos are available in more languages. There is also a video tailored for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.