Primary Schools PDHPE Network
The Primary Schools PDHPE (personal development, health and physical education) Network is a professional development opportunity available to all primary school teachers teaching the K-6 syllabus in schools within Sydney Local Health District.
The network aims to improve the confidence of teachers to deliver quality PDHPE lessons, raise the profile of PDHPE as a key learning area, and provide the opportunity for teachers within the region to network and exchange ideas.
Network meetings are offered free of charge each school term. They are conducted at a local school (after school hours) to focus on the different strands of the PDHPE syllabus. There is a practical focus of the meetings where teachers can learn and practise quality games and skills so they can confidently replicate them in their school environment.
The network commenced in 2010 with topics including active after schools; athletics games and sports; gymnastics; dance; fundamental movement skills; PE with minimal equipment; inclusive games; traditional Indigenous games; body image; nutrition in the classroom and more.
For more information contact us at SLHD-HCI@health.nsw.gov.au