Our People Matter
Meet Miranda

Where do you work in Sydney Local Health District?
I work in the Burns Unit at Concord Hospital. Concord Burns Unit is a state-wide tertiary referral adult burns unit, and one of three burns units that comprise the NSW State-wide Burns Injury Service. Concord Burns Unit services the ACT and two-thirds of NSW including 11 local health districts.
What do you do?
I manage the Rural Burns Telehealth Service which includes the NSW Teleburns Service, Concord. As a Nurse Practitioner, my scope of practice includes, but is not limited to, the management of highly complex wounds including burns, chronic wounds, and skin loss conditions. Working within this advanced practice role, I focus on care coordination, education, research and providing clinical expertise. I have a particular focus on supporting rural patients in numerous other healthcare settings via telehealth, and complex inpatients in all areas of the Burns service.
Why do you do what you do?
I became a nurse, simply because I want to help others. I became a Nurse Practitioner because I wanted to be the best nurse I could be for my patients and my team. Being a nurse is not just a job, it is a large part of who I am.
What’s the best thing about your workplace?
Every day I get to work with an amazing team, which extends to all the rural sites we support. Together we achieve wonderful outcomes for our patients.
What’s the nicest thing a colleague has ever done for you?
It is too hard to pick just one, particularly as I have been a part of the Concord Burns team for close to 20 years. The constant support from my team, personally and professionally, is what I appreciate the most.