Clinical Trial of the Year Award
The Clinical Trial of the Year Award celebrates the outstanding contribution from a District investigator driven clinical trial that has led to an advance in clinical practice and saved or improved patient health outcomes.

To be eligible for consideration, trials must be District investigator driven, randomised controlled trials designed to improve patient-centred outcomes or healthcare delivery, and must have been:
- designed and led by an investigator employed by Sydney Local Health District (including Visiting Medical Officers)
- conducted at a site within Sydney Local Health District
- the primary results of the trial must have been published (electronically or in print) between 1 March 2023 and 29 February 2024.
The winner is awarded $10,000 to use for research-related activities including development and dissemination.
Excellence in Clinical Trial Support Award
The Excellence in Clinical Trial Support Award celebrates the outstanding achievements of staff supporting clinical trial activity in the District.

This award is open to District staff members that work in a role that directly supports the operation or administration of clinical trials, excluding those that are working in the capacity as a clinical trial investigator. Clinical trial support roles include (but are not limited to) clinical trial coordinators, clinical trial nurses, or clinical trial data or regulatory managers.
The winner is awarded $2000 to use for research-related education or conference registration (including travel).
If you have any questions about the Clinical Trials Awards, please contact Akila Dharmendar or Louise Ford at the Sydney Local Health District Clinical Research Centre.