Patient and Family Experience Symposium
Tuesday 2 July 2024 |
Sydney Education Building 301 Corner Cecily Street and Balmain Road Rozelle View map |
8.30am–4pm |

The Patient and Family Experience Symposium focuses on the stories and experiences of patients, their families and our diverse communities.
This year, we explored the perspectives and experiences of people with a disability within our healthcare system, including the experiences of our staff who identify as having a disability.
Proud disability advocate, writer, editor and actress, Hannah Diviney facilitated the program. Growing up with cerebral palsy, Hannah says she saw people living with a disability represented in only two ways on television.
The first, she says, was during the airing of the Paralympics every four years. The second was when road safety advertisements would point to people who now needed to use a wheelchair following traffic accidents.
“They would often present someone ending up in a wheelchair as the worst possible case scenario, because that would mean their life as they knew it was over,” she said.
“For someone like me, internalising that narrative of my life being over before it had even begun was really damaging.”
Early experiences like these, have inspired Hannah to advocate for change in how people with a disability are represented by the media.
8.30am | Registration |
9am |
Acknowledgement of Country and Story Regina Button, Wyanga Elder |
Opening Address Dr Andrew Hallahan, Executive Director, Medical Services, Clinical Governance and Risk, Sydney Local Health District |
Welcome Hannah Diviney, Disability Advocate, Writer, Editor, Actress |
The Journey of an Indigenous Scholar in Disability Professor John Gilroy, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney |
Experiences of a Staff Member with a Disability Mark Halliday, Team Leader Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Department, Concord Hospital |
Staff Experience Panel Discussion Facilitated by Hannah Diviney Mark Haliday, Team Leader Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Department, Concord Hospital Emily Stuart, Disability Navigator, Disability and Inclusion Service, Sydney Local Health District EJ Heine, Program Manager, LGBTIQ+ and Men’s Health, Sydney Local Health District |
10.45am | Cuppa with a Colleague |
11.05am |
The Sydney Local Health District Lived Experience Educator Program – Lived Experience with Disability Daniel Wallekers, Lived Experience Educator, Sydney Education |
Building our Community, Empowering Connection Emily Stuart, Disability Navigator, Disability Inclusion and Advice Service, Sydney Local Health District |
Introducing KindLabs – Do you See Me? Graeme Slade, Program Manager, Patient and Family Experience, Sydney Education |
12.15pm | Shared Perspectives – An Exhibition & Lunch |
1pm |
Advocacy in Action – A Conversation Peta Hooke, Podcaster and Disability Advocate |
Partnering with People with an Intellectual Disability in the Co-leadership of a Centre of Excellence Anna Ashenden, Chief Operating Officer, National Centre of Excellence in Intellectual Disability Health |
A Little STrIDeS Can Go a Long Way! Dr Jacqueline Small, Senior Staff Specialist and Clinical Lead, Specialist Team for Intellectual Disability Sydney (STrIDeS) |
Partnering with Consumers in their Care and Launch of SIDMHOS Visual Identity Dr James Smith, Psychiatrist and Clinical Lead, Statewide Intellectual Disability Mental Health Outreach Service |
Rare Disease – New Models of Care Informed by Lived Experience Dr Emma Palmer, Clinical Geneticist, Children’s Hospital Westmead, Senior Clinical Lecturer, University of New South Wales, Scientific and Medical Advisory Committee, Rare Voices Australia |
Rare Diseases – Lived Experience Mila Horder, Consumer |
A Focus on DARTYP – Disability Assessment and Rehabilitation Team for Young People Dr Veena Raykar, Rehabilitation Staff Specialist, DARTYP Dr Rebecca Koncz, Clinical Lead, Intellectual Disability Mental Health Service, Senior Lecturer in Psychiatry, University of Sydney |
DARTYP – Consumer Story Melanie Tran, Manager (Design, Digital and Data) at Nous Group, Board of Director International Youth Foundation |
Launch of the Sydney Local Health District Health Passport James Everingham, Disability, Inclusion and Strategy Manager |
Shared Perspectives – An Exhibition Meet the artists Michael Owens, Artist in Residence Ange Ryan, Lived Experience Educator, Sydney Education Patricia Sarkis, Lived Experience Educator, Sydney Education Jessica Parker, Lived Experience Educator, Sydney Education |
Launch of the Lived Experience Acknowledgement Slides Ange Ryan, Lived Experience Educator, Sydney Education |
Closing Reflections Hannah Diviney, Disability Advocate, Writer, Editor, Actress |
4pm | Event Close |