Yaralla Estate
The Dame Eadith Walker Estate, also known as Yaralla Estate, is 37 hectares of land on the banks of the Parramatta River at Concord.

The Estate is of outstanding significance to NSW, as it remains an exceptionally rare complete example of a large Edwardian private residential estate close to a major city.
Sydney Local Health District maintains the estate in accordance with the wishes of the Walker Trust. Set up in the 1930s by the important mercantile and philanthropic Walker family, it is the largest community bequest of its era to survive in an intact form in NSW.
The Dame Eadith Walker Estate is listed on the Register of The National Estates and is classified by The National Trust of Australia (NSW).
Yaralla Estate History
Yaralla – for our community
Since 1988 the Estate has remained in use for health- related purposes, managed by Sydney Local Health District, including for palliative care for people living with HIV-related dementia, a day stay unit for patients with dementia, a step down clinic for rehabilitation for the NSW Statewide Burns Injury Service.
The Yaralla Estate Community Advisory Committee was established in late 2013. Its role is to advise the Chief Executive of Sydney Local Health District on maintaining and using the estate for the benefit of the Local Health District and the community.
The grounds of the Yaralla Estate are open year round for the community to explore.
The Yaralla Estate Community Advisory Committee was established in late 2013.
The role of the Committee is to advise the Chief Executive of Sydney Local Health District on maintaining and utilising the beautiful estate for the benefit of the Local Health District and Community.
The Sydney Local Health District maintains the estate in accordance with the wishes of the Walker Trust.
The Community Advisory Committee has a defined role and terms of reference outlined formally in the Terms of Reference. Specifically the objectives are to:
- advise and assist the Trustee (Sydney Local Health District) in the development and review of its plans and policies for Yaralla Estate;
- monitor and evaluate the use of the Yaralla Estate;
- advise the Trustee (Sydney Local Health District) on possible new or modified services, facilities and uses;
- advise the Trustee (Sydney Local Health District) on everything from maintenance priorities to tree planting and conservation management plans;
- maintain and promote the integrity of the heritage of Yaralla Estate
In addition, the members of the Community Advisory Committee will keep up-to-date with visitor and local community issues relating to the Estate and actively engage with the community through attendance at resident association meetings and formal local council forums.
Current Committee Members:
Deb Willcox AM | Chief Executive, Sydney Local Health District, Committee Chair |
Ray Dib | Board Member, Sydney Local Health District |
Professor Roger Garsia | Senior Clinician, RPA Hospital |
Professor Robert Lusby | Senior Clinician, Concord Hospital |
Jon Gowdy | Director of Capital Assets, Property and Engineering, Sydney Local Health District |
Deborah Jenkins | Redevelopment Planning and Transition Coordinator, Sydney Local Health District |
Stuart Read | Heritage NSW |
Geoff Ashton | City of Canada Bay Heritage Society and local Resident/Neighbour |
Suzanne Riley | Local Resident/Neighbour and representative of Concord Consumer Advisory Committee |
Jeremy Roper-Tyler | Local Resident/Neighbour |
Alice Mantel | Local Resident/Neighbour |
Yaralla Estate's important environment
Yaralla has natural and cultural heritage significance for its biodiversity, which includes introduced and native flora and fauna. It is an important element in the health of the Parramatta River Catchment and its site is of significance, given it includes areas of remnant bushland otherwise rare regionally, areas of mangrove bordering the river banks. As well it has richly planted grounds, with a diverse mixture of introduced and native species of plants. These attract and provide food, fibre and habitat for an equally rich assortment of fauna, from microscopic: insects, soil fungi etc to large and obvious: birds, possums, humans. Come and see the natural fauna of the Estate – view our self-guided botanical walk brochure for details.
Dame Eadith Walker Estate and Thomas Walker Estate were recently described as 'joint jewels in the City of Canada Bay's biodiversity crown' in a report by InSight Ecology (2014). This detailed report was a study of the indigenous fauna of the City of Canada Bay Local Government Area can be found on the City of Canada Bay Council's website here. The City of Canada Bay Council also has reports on bush regeneration and vegetation management at Yaralla which can be accessed via the council.
Andrew Huggett from Insight Ecology has presented on the fauna and flora unique to Yaralla Estate to the Yaralla Estate Community Advisory Committee in September 2014. A copy of his presentation can be accessed here.
Some species that inhabit the Yaralla Estate include a spectacular array of birdlife including honey eaters, wrens, parrots and more, a variety of mammals and a rare Sydney Turpentine-Ironbark Forest.
Concord Foreshore Trail
Sydney Local Health District has upgraded some of the pathways and the foreshore trail at Yaralla Estate. The new pathways are in keeping with the paths along The Drive and the western paddock.

We hope the local community enjoy the new pathways when exercising around the grounds of Yaralla Estate.