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Drug Health Services provide a range of services throughout Sydney Local Health District in hospitals, community health centres and in the community to address problematic use of and harm caused by alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.

Drug Health Staff Canterbury
SydneyConnect Image: Opioid Treatment Program, Canterbury

We offer clinical services at Canterbury, Concord and RPA Hospitals, and at Croydon, Marrickville and Redfern Health Centres.

We work alongside community representatives and other government and non-government organisations to address community concerns about drug and alcohol use.

Beyond our District, we support and manage relevant state-wide and national services across the Alcohol and Other Drug sector, including the New South Wales Drug and Alcohol Health Services Library and the National Poisons Register.

Anyone seeking support for drug and alcohol problems can call our Drug Health Services Centralised Intake Line on 1800 793 466 (Monday to Friday, 8.30am-5pm). You will be directed to an appropriate drug health service or referred to a more suitable service. 

How we approach treatment

Harm reduction We don’t judge drug or alcohol use, instead we try to help you to limit and reduce any harms related to your use.
Equity We try to provide culturally appropriate and accessible care, no matter who you are, and where you come from.
Trauma-informed patient and family centred care We acknowledge the impact of past adverse experiences and understand that sometimes, you might need us to go slow. We also try to help you find and build your own strengths at your own pace.
Partnership We work closely with our patients, their families, communities and service partners to achieve their own goals, acknowledging your participation is always voluntary.
Evidence-based practice We develop and deliver models of care in line with the best evidence while continually conducting evaluation to monitor our practice effectiveness.
Early intervention and prevention We engage with individuals and communities to build strengths and resilience and to try prevent and reduce further harm. We try to listen, provide information and where appropriate, brief interventions and referrals to other sources of support.
Research Our multi-disciplinary research ranges from early interventions for drug and alcohol use, genetic and molecular mechanisms of tissue injury, clinical trials in the treatment of substance use disorders, and encompasses a broad range of disciplines including clinical toxicology, addiction medicine, public health, epidemiology, hepatology, mental health and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health.

Strategic plan

Our team

The Drug Health Services Executive comprises a multidisciplinary team of senior experienced staff who provide leadership and governance for our many services. Clinical governance at each of our hospital facilities is also supported by appointed Heads of Department and Directors.


General Manager Judy Pearson
Clinical Director Professor Paul Haber AM
Acting Director Partnerships, Performance and Planning Ajay Philip
Director of Specialist Services Martin O’Donnell
Operational Nurse Manager Christine Dictado
Finance and Corporate Manager Sophie Lu
Programs and Community Engagement Manager Amos Hee

Department Heads and Directors

Clinical Director and Head of Department,
Drug Health Services, RPA Hospital
Professor Paul Haber AM
Staff Specialist and Head of Department,
Drug Health Services, Concord Hospital
Dr Huw Davie
Acting Head of Department,
Drug Health Services, Canterbury Hospital
Professor Paul Haber AM
Staff Specialist and Director of Clinical
Toxicology and Pharmacology, RPA Hospital
Professor Andrew Dawson