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Nursing and Midwifery Careers

Sydney Local Health District is proud to employ nurses and midwives who are experienced, dedicated and professional. 

SydneyConnect video: Why choose Sydney Local Health District

Are you looking for a highly specialised, supportive and evidence-based Transition to Practice program?

Sydney Local Health District offers a range of career pathways to enhance your professional development.

Start your future career in Nursing or Midwifery with us.

As an employer we offer:

  • Transition to Practice Programs
  • A diverse range of clinical specialties and career opportunities
  • Professional support
  • Education and development – including governance, engagement, innovation, clinical skills, management, leadership, education, research and technical skills
  • A range of experience in community-based services and teaching hospitals in a metropolitan setting
  • Flexible working hours

Find your future career now

Our Recruitment Programs

Our experienced team will help you build on the foundations of your university studies to support your transition from a new graduate to a confident Registered Nurse or Midwife with exciting career opportunities.

Our programs provide opportunities to work across a range of clinical specialties to develop and consolidate your skills, knowledge and practice. They are designed to:

  • Provide a structured and coordinated approach to clinical practice development
  • Promote workplace learning 
  • Enhance collaboration and communication

MidStart Program

The 2025 MidStart Handbook has everything you need to know about MidStart.


SydneyConnect Image: Canterbury Hospital Maternity and Birthing Suites
SydneyConnect Image: Canterbury Hospital Maternity and Birthing Suites

Applications for 2026 MidStart Program will open in May 2025. To see what we offered in 2025, select the link below.
View our 2025 MidStart Midwifery Programs

GradStart Program

The 2025 GradStart Handbook has everything you need to know about GradStart.

GradStart Concord Hospital
SydneyConnect Image: GradStart program staff at Concord Hospital

Applications for 2026 GradStart Program will open in July 2025. To see what we offered in 2025, select the link below.
View our 2025 GradStart Nursing Programs

Enrolled Nurse Transition Program

Sydney Local Health District intake period

Intakes for our Enrolled Nurse Transition Program commence regularly throughout the year.

Sydney Local Health District Enrolled Nurse Transition program is a 12-month program designed to support the transitional phase of your Enrolled Nursing career.

We offer clinical support and access to a variety of learning opportunities.

Positions offered in this program are either full-time or part-time on a rotating roster. Facilities and Services involved in the program include Royal Prince Alfred Hospital; Canterbury Hospital; Concord Hospital; Balmain Hospital; and Mental Health Services.

The program will further develop your skills, knowledge and confidence through:

  • A structured orientation program
  • Two 6-month clinical rotations
  • Supernumerary clinical days
  • Four study days throughout the year
  • Regular reflective practice sessions
  • Regular in-service education

For more information about the Sydney Local Health District Enrolled Nurse Transition program contact our Enrolled Nurse Clinical Practice Development Coordinator on 0459 851 347 or email mandy.burgess@health.nsw.gov.au 

Recruitment Resources