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Triage Nursing

bookmark Course category: Critical Care
timer Duration: Two days
feed Study mode: Face to face

info Pre-requisites: 

  • CSK946 Transition into Emergency Nursing Program - Basic Emergency Assessment (Part I) (45036533)
  • CSK947 Transition into Emergency Nursing Program - Common Presenting Problems (Part II) (45038376)
  • CSK948 Transition into Emergency Nursing Program - Specific Populations (Part III) (45046003)

About this course

The aim of this course is to provide you with the knowledge and skills to safely and competently, perform the role of the triage nurse. Delivery of this course includes presentations from expert nurses, interactive scenarios, and clinical simulation.

Who should attend?

This course is appropriate for registered nurses working in Sydney Local Health District emergency departments. 

What will you learn?

By the end of this course you will be able to:

  1. Analyse appropriate referral services to those patients who present to the emergency department and select the most appropriate disposition or treatment area in emergency department context
  2. Describe the components of a rapid assessment of a patient using best practice principles within a 3-5 minute time frame and use strategies to apply the Australian Triage Scale to all patients that present to the emergency department 
  3. Identify priorities of care for patients that present to the emergency department to discuss and perform emergency interventions and first aid

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