A NSW Government website

The Pitch

Pitch your idea today!

Key Dates in 2025

Event Applications close Venue
Tuesday 1 April
Friday 14 February

Face to face & Virtual 

Auditorium, Kerry Packer Education Centre,
RPA Hospital

RSVP to confirm your seat

Tuesday 1 July
Friday 16 May Auditorium, Concord Medical Education Centre,
Concord Hospital
Tuesday 18 November
Friday 3 October Auditorium, Kerry Packer Education Centre,
RPA Hospital


  1. Submit The Pitch application form
  2. Pitch Review Committee reviews all applications using the screening tool.
  3. Top five finalists are selected.
  4. Presenters prepare presentations.
  5. At the event, presenters pitch their ideas to the panel in just five minutes.
  6. The panel use the scoring tool to rank presentations and deliberate on winning pitch/es.
  7. The panel awards the Pitch funding to successful pitch winner/s at the event!

Application Form

Please see below key items required in your Pitch application.

Submit The Pitch application form

Project title 
Provide a short catchy innovation title (word limit: 100)
Case for Change

What are we changing (including brief description of the innovation)? Why are we changing? What are the consequences of staying the same? How will we change? (Word limit: 300)

Tip: Ensure you describe what the innovation actually is, making considerations to the impact on the patient experience of care (including quality & satisfaction); improving the health of populations and reducing the per capita cost of health care (aka IHI Triple Aim).

Measurable Outcomes How will you measure the outcomes of the innovation? How will you know your innovation has worked and met its objectives? (Word limit: 200)
Stakeholder Involvement Who are your key stakeholders (i.e. those who may be affected by the change, e.g. staff, patients etc)? Whose ‘buy-in’ will you need? (Word limit: 200)
Timeframe and Budget How long will the project take to implement? What are the resource/budget implications including proposed/indicative and/or ongoing maintenance costs? (Word limit: 100)

Who are the sponsor/s who will support the change? (Word limit: 100)

Note: A Sponsor is an individual/s who demonstrates ownership of the project by driving the change. They possess sufficient power in the organisation and/or influence to either initiate resource commitment or reinforce the change at the local level (AIM Sponsor principles).

Has the innovation been discussed with the above mentioned nominated sponsor/s? Yes/No

Sustainability and Transferability

How will you ensure your change becomes business as usual? What steps will you take to ensure the change is accepted by your stakeholders?

What potential does this change have to be successfully taken up/ replicated by facilities/services within the District? (Word limit: 200)

Screening Tool

The Pitch Review Committee use the below criteria when assessing applications received.

Case for Change
  • Provides a clear background of the current situation – what are they trying to fix/solve, why we need to change, and the consequences of staying the same.
  • Highlights the impact of current situation on staff as well as patients, costs, and population health (aka Triple AIM).
  • Relevant data quantifying the extent of the current situation/issue.
  • The innovation and steps to achievement are explained clearly and succinctly – how will we change?
Measurable Outcomes
  • A method for monitoring and measuring progress to meet the key objectives is clearly articulated and understood.
Stakeholder Involvement
  • Key stakeholders were identified (including patients).
  • Specific disciplines and cohorts were identified.
Timeframe and Budget
  • Realistic timeframes identified.
  • Resources are identified – including the project team’s dedicated time, maintenance costs and any funding required.
  • Total costs are identified.
  • Key sponsor/s of the innovation identified and actively engaged.
  • The innovation has been discussed with sponsors.
Sustainability and Transferability
  • Consideration has been given to ensure change is properly adapted and accepted by stakeholders.
  • Potential to be replicated/taken-up by other District facilities/services is explored.

Scoring Tool

The Pitch Judging Panel use the below scoring criteria* when assessing the Pitch presentations at the event.

Criteria Score

Innovation and Originality

The extent to which the project demonstrates an original or innovative approach to an existing issue. If the project is using a known innovation, the extent to which it will be original for the proposed setting. The project should show resourcefulness and be creative in design. It may include workforce, equipment and/or technology. Any prior evidence which supports the innovation, including relevant data quantifying the extent of impact is presented.


Extent to which the system changes can be embedded within the District and be transferable

Evidence is provided which demonstrates significant benefits; clearly articulates how the change is able to be embedded within Sydney Local Health District, as well as the extent to which the approach has the potential to be successfully taken up (scalable, replicated) by facilities and/or services.

Note: The quality of the evidence and the persuasiveness of the arguments presented are important considerations.


Significance of the issue addressed, and potential for real-life impacts on patient care and experience

Evidence shows an improvement in outcomes and experience for patients. This may be in terms of service delivery either direct or flow-on, depending on the nature of the project. Evidence that the project provides effective care which is consumer-focused, integrated and operates across professional boundaries.



The extent to which the project considers engagement with consumers, staff, other agencies, primary health care providers and Non-Government Organisations to meet the project objectives.


CORE Values – Collaboration, Openness, Respect and Empowerment

The extent to which the project promotes the CORE values of Collaboration, Openness, Respect and Empowerment.


Productivity and value for money

The project demonstrates evidence-based improvements in productivity and efficiency/value for money.


Potential for results to improve key strategic directions performance measures

In particular, the Sydney Local Health District Strategic Plan – Goals and strategies


Quality and coherence of presentation

Takes account of the overall clarity of expression and organisation of the material presented. The overall logical coherence of the presentation is clear.

Total /100

*Sydney Local Health District Pitch Scoring Tool: Adapted from 2022 NSW Health Awards - Guidelines