Naamuru Parent and Baby Unit
Naamuru is the State’s first public, purpose-built parent and baby unit. Located on the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital campus, Naamuru, provides holistic, multidisciplinary care.

Naamuru provides hospital-based services for parents who are experiencing significant mental health problems in the perinatal period, before, during and after birth, who are the primary care-giver for their baby (up to 12 months of age).
The parent and their baby are admitted together for healthy attachment and to minimise the trauma of separation. Partners or an alternate support person are encouraged to stay overnight to help support care giving and parent-baby relationship.
The care you will receive is grounded in hope and recovery, framed by your story. We will work with you to understand what has happened to you in the past, what is happening for you now and how you would like to see your future.
What to expect
When you arrive, we will take the time to get to know you, your baby and your family. We will work with you to understand your needs and your preferences for care.
A multidisciplinary approach is essential to meet the unique needs of parents and babies. Our team includes mental health nurses, child and family health nurses, a clinical midwife consultant, psychiatrist, paediatrician, peer support worker, allied health staff including social worker, psychologist, occupational therapist, dietitian, and an exercise physiologist.
You and your baby will have your own room with a queen-sized bed, cot, a daybed and an ensuite bathroom. Naamuru has communal areas including lounges, dining, kitchen and courtyard areas which can accommodate multiple families. Therapeutic spaces include group/activity rooms, gym, play areas, baby care room and a retreat. We will provide highchairs, baby baths, baby change mats, play equipment, baby food, laundry facilities and sterilising equipment.
Your care may include:
- Counselling
- Groups
- Psychosocial therapies
- Parent-infant activities
- Family therapy
- Medication
Group Program
Our group program includes therapy groups and diversional groups, groups are offered in the evenings and on weekends.
Some of the activities include:
- Mindfulness and yoga
- Wellness and recovery planning
- Baby care
- Selfcare pampering group
- Art
- Baby food preparation
What to bring
- Clothes for you and your baby
- Nappies – disposable
- Dummies (if required)
- Breast pads (if required)
- Bottles (if required)
- Infant formula
- Pram/stroller
- Breast pump if you prefer you own
If your baby has a special comfort item or toy, we encourage you to bring this with you on admission.
Support people
We are a family friendly service, your partner is welcome to stay overnight, to provide support to you during your stay and to help you care for your baby.
If you prefer, you may ask an alternative support person (over 18 years of age) who is important in caring for you and your baby to stay instead. Each room has a daybed.
Staying over requires you to play an active role in supporting your loved one and assisting with the care of the baby. Our team understands this may be a difficult time for you and will work with you to provide support.
Partners and support people at Naamaru will be provided with breakfast and an evening meal in the family dining space. There are also cafes and a supermarket in walking distance.
Visiting hours
Visiting for your partner or support person is allowed 24 hours a day. General visiting hours for other family and friends are 3–8pm. Visiting outside of these hours can be discussed with your care team.
You will receive a formal orientation to the unit on your arrival. Drugs and alcohol are prohibited in Naamuru and anyone under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be unable to enter. There are some items that cannot be kept in in bedrooms as they may be a safety risk. These include cords, lighters, sharp objects and glass. We will explain all this information during your orientation to the ward which will also include visiting and access to the building, fire safety, and security.
All referrals to the Naamaru Parent and Baby Unit must be received through NSW Health mental health services or designated specialist perinatal mental health services. If you are not under the care of a mental health service, your General Practitioner (GP) or local hospital will be able to refer you to your mental health team.
Naamaru Parent and Baby Unit is not able to accept self-referrals.
Referrals are prioritised according to acuity of your mental health problem, age of infant and availability of alternative outpatient management.
Eligibility criteria
- A parent with complex and severe mental health problems who is the primary carer for their infant, or infants, under 12 months and not yet walking
- A woman in late pregnancy who requires admission for complex and severe mental health problems, where it is deemed appropriate
Naamuru does not accept referrals for parents where:
- The primary clinical problem is substance or alcohol abuse or dependence
- The purpose of admission is for assessment of parenting capacity, child protection or forensic reporting
- The infant is acutely unwell
Referral Process
Please complete the Naamuru referral form.
Make a referral
We will respond to your referral within 2 business days. The multidisciplinary team will discuss the referral, and may contact the referrer for more information or to arrange an assessment. Telehealth is available for this assessment dependent on circumstances.
Phone the Naamuru intake on 0499 843 819 between 9am and 4pm Monday to Friday if you have significant concerns about the urgency of the referral.
Please email us at SLHD-MHParentBabyUnit@health.nsw.gov.au if you would like information for parents and families about the Naamuru Parent and Baby Unit.

Service | How to contact us |
Naamuru Parent and Baby Unit RPA Hospital, Building 23 Corner of Susan and Grose Streets Camperdown NSW 2050 |
Phone: 02 9515 1666 Fax: 02 9515 1677 Email: SLHD-MHParentBabyUnit@health.nsw.gov.au |