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Your Stay at Concord

Preparing for your admission or surgery

It is important you follow your doctor’s advice for what to eat and drink prior to your procedure, surgery and admission.

A week before your admission date, you will need to come to the hospital for a Pre-Admission Clinic assessment and booking interview. Please contact the Admissions Department on 02 9767 6855 if you have any questions.
Pre-Procedure Health Questionnaire Form

For more information, see our Pre-Admission Clinic factsheet.

What if I am unable to attend my Pre-Admission Clinic assessment?

If you are out of the area and unable to attend your Pre-Admission Clinic assessment, your General Practitioner (GP) can complete your pre-operative tests on our behalf. Please contact the Pre-Admissions Clinic on 02 9767 6855 for details.

Fax: 02 9767 9041

What should I bring with me?

If you are staying overnight, we suggest you bring a small bag with comfortable clothing, sleepwear and personal toiletries.

Please also bring:

  • All medications you are currently taking and the dosage information
  • Copies of your X-rays and pathology tests relevant to your procedure
  • Any forms, notes, reports, or letters from your doctor
  • Your Medicare card, Pension card, DVA or concessional card if relevant
  • Private Health Insurance card (if you have one)
  • General Practitioner (GP) contact details
  • Comfortable loose clothing and footwear (with non-clip soles)

Our admission checklist will help you to ensure you have packed all you need for your stay in hospital.

Please do not bring your valuables with you. The hospital is not responsible and cannot reimburse you for lost property. Please see our helpful checklist as a guide.

More information

Checking in

Please enter the hospital through the Main Entrance and proceed to the Information Desk, located in the Foyer. Wheelchairs are available in the Main Entrance.

When you arrive, our staff will confirm your contact details, medical history, medication history, your next of kin contact details, your GP contact details and check to make sure you have signed a consent form.

During your stay

We want you and your support person to be involved in decisions about your care.  We encourage you and your support person to ask questions. You can request to speak with your medical, nursing, or allied health teams at any time during your stay.

SydneyConnect Video: Welcome to Concord


If you are worried about a recent change in your condition or someone you care for, you can use REACH to escalate your concerns if no one seems to be noticing.
Find out more

Telephones and television

A telephone is available at every patient bedside.

You can hire a television during your stay with us. Please ask our staff to assist in arranging this service for you. For television rental costs, please contact 1800 063 829 (free call).

Mobile phone and other personal electronic devices

As mobile phones may interfere with electronic medical equipment, we ask you and your visitors please keep your use of these to a minimum in the hospital. Please observe signs and staff instructions when using your mobile phone and other personal electronic devices.

Free Wi-Fi

We offer free guest Wi-Fi internet to all patients and visitors.

To connect, go to the Wi-Fi settings of your device and select "SLHD-Guest" 

Agree to the terms and conditions in your browser. You will be automatically connected.

Please note, limits and usage conditions apply.

Interpreter services

We provide free and professional face to face and telephone interpreting services within our hospital. These services are available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Interpreters are available in most community languages, as well as Auslan. Please let our staff know if you require an interpreter.


During your hospital stay you will be offered a variety of meal choices based on your dietary needs and medical condition.

We ask that you do not eat food if you are “nil by mouth” for a test or procedure. If you are not sure, please check with your nurse.

Sometimes friends or family may like to bring food or drinks in for you.

Important patient contacts

Service Hours of operation Contact
Admissions Department  9am–4.30pm
Monday to Friday
02 9767 6855
Fax: 02 9767 9041
Cashier 's Office 8.30am–12.30pm
Monday to Friday
02 9767 6798
02 9767 7743
Equipment Loan Pool  8am–4.30pm
Monday to Friday
02 9767 7919
Patient and Family Experience Officer 8am–4.30pm
Monday to Friday
02 9767 7095
02 9767 5000 (after hours)
Private Patient Officer 9am–3pm
Monday to Friday
02 9767 5654
Pager: 60964

Going home

Going home, or planning your discharge should start on the day you are admitted to hospital or in the Pre-Admission Unit. In some cases, you may require continuous care in another hospital such as recovery care or rehabilitation.

To ensure there are no delays to your discharge, please talk to your care team looking after you about what day they think you will be discharged. Knowing this date will allow you to organise transport as well as any extra help you might need when you go home. We anticipate that you will be leaving the hospital by 10am.

Make sure any follow up appointments you need have been booked and you have been given a date and time for them.

On your day of discharge, you may be transferred to the Discharge Lounge while we prepare your discharge paperwork and any medications you might require. Here you can also wait in a comfortable place for your private transport home. While you wait in the Discharge Lounge, you will receive the same high-quality care and attention that you received on your ward.

Discharge Lounge 

Our Discharge Lounge is located on Level 1C in the Rusty Priest Building (Building 60).

There are a few places your friends or relatives can park when collecting you from the Discharge Lounge, these are:

  • Near the entrance to the Concord Cancer Centre (via Gate 5, Nullawarra Road)
  • Basement Parking under the Rusty Priest Building (via Gate 4, Nullawarra Avenue) 

  • Hospital Road Car Park 

Hours of operation: 
9.30am–5.30pm, Monday to Friday (closed weekends and public holidays). The Discharge Lounge can be contacted on 02 9767 7827.
