A NSW Government website


Sydney Local Health District Staff Carers

Are you a Sydney Local Health District (District) Staff Carer?

  • Are you a paid employee at Sydney Local Health District (including full time, part time, or casual)?
  • Do you provide ongoing support to a family member, partner, or friend?
  • Does the person you support have a disability, mental illness, chronic condition, drug or alcohol dependency, terminal condition or is frail-aged?

If you answered yes to all three questions above, then you are a staff carer.

At least one in every ten District staff members are likely to be caring for someone at home or elsewhere, outside their working hours.

Carer Friendly Organisation

In August 2021 Sydney Local Health District became the first employer to gain Level 2 accreditation with the Carers and Employers Program, reflecting our commitment to progressive and embedded practices to support carers in the workplace.

Staff Carer Support Initiative

The Staff Carer Support Initiative is designed to support the more than 1400 members of our staff who are carers in addition to their paid employment. For more information visit the staff intranet or contact the Carer Program.