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Getting Started

Congratulations on your new role in Sydney Local Health District. As a new employee we would like to warmly welcome you to the District and to our Getting Started Program.

A woman holding a microphone speaking in a room
SydneyConnect Image: Sydney Education Getting Started Orientation Program

This program works in parallel to our mandatory training program to ensure that all new staff have the essential skills and knowledge that they need to start work in the District.  

Your orientation to the District will provide you with an introduction to:  

  • Our organisation  
  • Our vision, mission and values  
  • Our strategic goals and governance 
  • Our specialist support and patient services

Our Getting Started Handbook has everything you need to know about being a new employee.
Getting Started Handbook

All Staff Orientation

Getting Started is a one-day event to welcome all new starters to the District and introduce you to our vision, our culture and our values. 

There is a focus on information about how the organisation can support you in your role to ensure that we all provide high quality patient and family centred care.  

The program is currently held at Sydney Education, Level 1, 28 – 32 Mallett St Camperdown.
2025 Program Dates 2025 Program

Nursing and Midwifery Orientation

All nurses and midwives, including assistants in nursing (AINs), will complete a further two days of orientation after they have completed the Getting Started Day. The program introduces nursing and midwifery policies and procedures and ensures that you have the knowledge that you need as a new employee. This includes critical clinical skills and eMR training. 
2025 Program Dates  2025 Program

Departmental Orientation

When you commence a new role within the District you will receive departmental orientation from your line manager or a senior staff member. This orientation will ensure that you understand your new role and the relevant policies, procedures and processes in your department. This will equip you with the knowledge to keep you, your colleagues, patients and their families safe and well cared for.  

A departmental orientation checklist has been developed to support this process. You will receive your orientation checklist to complete with your manager with your Getting Started email confirmation.

Getting Started for Managers

Congratulations on your new role as a Manager in Sydney Local Health District. As a new manager we warmly welcome you to our Getting Started for Managers Program.  

The Getting Started for Managers program is designed to help you become familiar with:

  • The District
  • Your facility
  • Your department
  • Your role

The program is based on the Management Accountability Framework and is an addition to, and aligns with, the Corporate Getting Started Program.

Please refer to the guide below for information on this self-directed program and download the checklist to track your progress.    
Managers program guide  Managers checklist

Mandatory Training and My Health Learning

All new staff are required to complete a suite of mandatory training modules determined by the role that you have within our District. Please note that there are some modules that must be completed within your first three months in our District. You can access these modules through My Health Learning – you will hear more information about this during the Getting Started Program.  

To log on to My Health Learning you will need to initially set up your Staff Link password as you will use your employee number as your username and your Staff Link password as your password.  

To set up your Staff Link password please call the State Wide Service Desk on 1300 285 533.
My Health Learning